Changelog - 9 May 2023

Backup v3

  • Fixed: Failed to dump database because of server issue


  • Fixed: Some DigitalOcean high-tier droplets are not visible when deploying a new server because it is locked on the DO side.
  • Fixed: Unable to delete server because of server name contains double space
  • Improved: Add extra information to Deployment Keys page to indicate that GitLab does not permit the usage of the same key on multiple servers.

Web Applications

  • Fixed: Missing breadcrumb on the web application pages.

Support Ticket

  • Fixed: Missing CSAT form after closing a support ticket.

Changelog - 3 May 2023

PHP Version Releases (NGINX/Docker Servers)

  • PHP 8.2.5
  • PHP 8.1.18

Note: If your server runs on OpenLiteSpeed, RunCloud does not handle PHP version updates. However, once a PHP version update becomes available for OpenLiteSpeed, it should also be automatically available on your server(s).


  • Apache Httpd 2.4.57


  • Fixed: Log rotate issue

The update will be automatically applied to your server within 72 hours. If you do not receive the update within this timeframe, please contact our support team for a manual update.

Changelog - 28 April 2023


  • Improved: support Cloudflare API Token, not only Cloudflare Global API Key.

Web App Firewall (WAF)

  • Fixed: Add a ModSecurity/OWASP custom rule to fix false positive blocking when using the Elementor WordPress plugin.

Support Ticket

  • Fixed: Failed to create a support ticket because of uploading a big image that exceeds the allowed size limit.

Changelog - 14 April 2023

Atomic Deployment

  • Fixed: Laravel 9 compatibility issue

Backup v3

  • Fixed: Backup snapshot deletion issue on RunCloud backup storage

Web Applications

  • Improved: Show warning message when a user selects PHP8.2 for WordPress web application.

Changelog - 4 April 2023

Web Applications

  • Fixed: WP Staging issue where staging database and user is not deleted when the user deletes the main web application.


  • Fixed: Check the subscription status when a user initiates the deletion of their RunCloud account.

Changelog - 29 March 2023

RunCloud Agent v2.6.3

  • Fixed: WordPress Cloning/Staging error issue for WordPress Multisite that uses www for the main site
  • Fixed: Cloning/Staging disk checking now looks the entire mounted disks in the server

The update will be automatically applied to your server within 72 hours. If you do not receive the update within this timeframe, please contact our support team for a manual update.

Changelog - 24 March 2023

PHP Version Releases (NGINX/Docker)

  • PHP 8.2.4
  • PHP 8.1.17

The update will be automatically applied to your server within 72 hours. If you do not receive the update within this timeframe, please contact our support team for a manual update.

Note: If your server runs on OpenLiteSpeed, RunCloud does not handle PHP version updates. However, once a PHP version update becomes available for OpenLiteSpeed, it should also be automatically available on your server(s).

Changelog - 21 March 2023

Backup V3

  • Added new Vultr Object Storage integration for external backup storage (available for Business plan users).
  • Added new Linode Object Storage integration for external backup storage (available for Business plan users).

Web Application

  • Improved status icon color contrast (accessibility) in the web application list.
  • Fixed redirect to 404 page in some cases when using Git deployment to an existing application.
  • Fixed failed to update DNS records on Cloudflare when cloning web applications to a server shared in a team.


  • Fixed an error with toast notifications when deleting servers.

Changelog - 27 February 2023

Web Applications

  • You can now enable backups for new web applications as you create them.
  • Fixed cases where the custom SSL Cipher and EDCH Curve wasn’t saving properly.

PHP Version Releases (NGINX/Docker Servers)

  • PHP 8.2.3
  • PHP 8.1.16
  • PHP 8.0.28

This release contains security fixes for CVE-2023-0567, CVE-2023-0568, CVE-2023-0662.

Note: If your server runs on OpenLiteSpeed, RunCloud does not handle PHP version updates. However, once a PHP version update becomes available for OpenLiteSpeed, it should also be automatically available on your server(s).

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