Changelog - 22 April 2021: Predefined Nginx Configs

New Update: Predefined Nginx Configs

  • New predefined Nginx config: Header - Opt-out of Google's FLoC Network. You can use this config to disable / opt your website out of Google's FLoC Network, an initiative that seeks to replace third-party cookies with a new way for browser to group together people with similar browsing habits to enable interest-based advertising on the web. Follow our guide for more details.
  • Updated predefined Nginx config: Cloudflare - Restore Visitor IP. Cloudflare has two new IPv4 address and we have updated the latest Cloudflare IPv4 and IPv6 addresses on this Nginx config. For everyone who currently use this predefined Nginx config, you can simply remove it and re-add it again on your web application.

[Fixed] DigitalOcean Server Provisioning Issue

[Update] This issue has been fixed, you can build new DigitalOcean server again from RunCloud panel using API or connecting via IP address & root password.

We are currently experiencing technical issue on DigitalOcean server provisioning, especially when building server via API and connecting via IP address and root password.

Our team is still working to fix this issue. If you want to build server using DigitalOcean, you can still use our manual server installation method, using installation script.

Changelog - 24 February 2021: Temporary SSH Key

New Update: Temporary SSH Key

For Business plan users, we have released a nifty feature to add temporary SSH key to your servers that will be automatically deleted after 12 hours. 

It is useful when you want to give temporary access to your server for your team/developer/freelancer.

Changelog - 17 February 2021: Predefined Nginx Configs

New Update: Predefined Nginx Configs

  • We have added short description to all existing predefined Nginx configs in our Custom Nginx Config feature. If you have some ideas on what predefined Nginx configs that we should add for Laravel, WordPress, and other PHP web applications, please let us know by leaving your feedback.  
  • New predefined Nginx config: WordPress Multisite Subdirectory. You can use this config to support WordPress Multisite Subdirectory for Native Nginx stack in RunCloud. This config is only for WordPress Multisite Subdirectory, you do not need this config for WordPress Multisite Subdomain.
  • New predefined Nginx config: WordPress Block Direct PHP Execution. You can use this config to block direct PHP file execution in wp-content/uploads, wp-content, wp-includes directories at the Nginx level for extra security purpose to avoid backdoor on these directories on your WordPress web application.
  • New predefined Nginx config: WordPress Block Trackback. You can use this config to block trackbacks at the Nginx level for extra security purpose to stop trackback spam comments on your WordPress web application. Use it only when your WordPress app does not use trackbacks feature.
  • New predefined Nginx config: FlyingPress WordPress Plugin. This config is for FlyingPress user who wants to serve FlyingPress caches directly from Nginx, without touching PHP, especially when you use Native Nginx stack in RunCloud. You can use this config with either FlyingPress standalone only or combine it with RunCloud Hub. You need to install FlyingPress WordPress plugin first before using this config.

New Update: Backup

  • Backup stability improvement. We have released another improvement to our backup system to make it more stable for all backup users.

RunCloud Agent v2.4.4 release

  • New RunCloud Agent v2.4.4 is released to improve backup stability in your server.

Note: RunCloud Agent will automatically update on your server within 72hrs. If you get any warning alert after 72hrs, please contact our support for the manual update.

Backup Maintenance - February 17, 2021 04.30 UTC

Update: February 17, 2021 06.35 UTC (~2 hours), maintenance has been completed. Backup page is accessible again.

We are performing ~ 2 hours maintenance on our backup system to improve backup stability for all backup users. 

Only backup page that is not accessible during this backup maintenance window. Other RunCloud features will still run normally.

Sorry for the inconvenience. If you have any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to open a support ticket or email with any inquiries and our 24/7 support will be happy to help.

Changelog - 8 February 2021: Backup Improvements

New Update: Backup

  • Backup queue system. When you have multiple backup scheduled at the same time, backup will be queued. Maximum concurrent backup is 1.5 * number of CPU. 
  • Backup CPU optimizationBackup resource is restricted and will not use 100% CPU usage when running.
  • Backup cancellation. When you remove a running/queued backup file, backup will be canceled immediately in your server.
  • Fix backup files created twice.
  • Fix backup download issues.
  • Fix multiple ended pro trial notification.
  • And some other backup issues reported by our users have been fixed.

New Update: Server Provisioning

  • Amazon Lightsail server provider supports Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

RunCloud Agent v2.4.3 release

  • New RunCloud Agent v2.4.3 is released to support backup improvements in your server.
Note: RunCloud Agent will automatically update on your server within 72hrs. If you get any warning alert after 72hrs, please contact our support for the manual update.

Changelog - 27 January 2021: Sudo Security Update

In RunCloud, your server security is our top priority.

We have released a security update to patch all servers from CVE-2021-3156 (Heap-Based Buffer Overflow in Sudo) vulnerability that allows privilege escalation to root via "sudoedit -s" and a command-line argument that ends with a single backslash character.

Sudo linux package in your servers has been patched to the latest version in Wednesday, 27 January 2021.

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) : sudo v1.8.31-1ubuntu1.2
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver): sudo v1.8.21p2-3ubuntu1.4
  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus): sudo v1.8.16-0ubuntu1.10
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