RunCloud Hub v1.0.0
This is the official major release for the RunCloud Hub plugin. Here are some improvements:
RunCache Purger
- Add Debug option to enable HTML footprint in HTML output.
- Improve RunCloud Hub compatibility with other caches/optimization plugin. If the user clears all cache in RunCloud Hub, it will automatically clear all cache in supporting plugins and vice versa.
- Made RunCloud Hub more compatible with other popular caches/optimization plugins. The list of supported plugins are:
- Autoptimize
- WP Rocket
- Fast Velocity Minify
- WP Fastest Cache
- Swift Performance
- WP Super Cache
- W3 Total Cache
- Hyper Cache
- WP Optimize
- Remove “Remove Cache Plugin” settings.
- Remove “Purger Hooks“ settings. Plugin developers can use the “runcloud_purge_nginx_cache_hooks” filter to integrate with RunCloud Hub.
- Improve speed to clear the cache of all sites.
- Fix RunCloud Purger issue with HSTS.
RunCache Rules
- Prevent getting locked from wp-admin if the user tries to clear all cache exclusion settings.
RunCache Preload
- Improved cache preload and make it more stable and faster.
- Remove the preload limit (previously 1000). User now can preload unlimited posts/pages.
- Add cache preload speed option (default 60 posts/pages per minute or 1 per second). Cache preload can increase CPU load, this speed option can help you control it.
Redis Object Cache
- Improved "object-cache.php" drop-in and make it more stable and faster.
- Add a new "redis-config.php" file to control Redis parameters outside of object-cache.php drop-in.
- Run "Clear All Cache" will automatically clear Redis object cache.
- Improve speed to clear all Redis object cache
- Fix "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" because of Redis prefix issues.
Client Mode
- Introducing "RUNCLOUD_HUB_CLIENT_MODE" constant. Adding this constant = true in wp-config.php will remove the Stats and Settings page in RunCloud Hub, make it perfect for your client website.
WordPress Multisite
- Add several improvements to make RunCloud Hub be WordPress Multisite friendly.
- RunCloud Hub can be Network Activated. It will automatically active in all network sites.
- Add Network Site Switching feature, which allows Super Admin to switch quickly to all sites with active RunCloud Hub plugin.
- You can't enable/disable Redis Object Cache per site if you are using WordPress Multisite Subdirectory. Only Primary sites or network admin can control Redis Object Cache.
- You can enable/disable Redis Object Cache per site if you are using WordPress Multisite Subdomain. Primary sites or network admin can control Redis Object Cache.
- Stats, RunCache Rules, Redis advanced options are only available for the primary site or network admin.
WordPress in Subdirectory
- You can install the RunCloud Hub plugin in the subdirectory WordPress installation. However, for Stats, RunCache Rules, and Settings pages, it is hidden automatically. You should control it from WordPress installation in the primary site.
Other improvements
- Fixed RunCloud Hub CSS issue when using Bedrock in the development environment.
- Internationalization ready. We are ready to accept language translation for the RunCloud Hub plugin.
- Sanitization audit to improve plugin security.
- Minor bug fixing and slight improvements to make RunCloud Hub more stable and faster.