Changelog - May 14, 2024

PHP 8.3 Release (OLS)

RunCloud now supports PHP 8.3 in our OpenLiteSpeed Stack. 

To use PHP 8.3, you will need RunCloud Agent 2.8.5+1, which will be available on your server within 72 hours. 

RunCloud Agent 2.8.5+1

  • New: PHP 8.3 supports OLS

The updates will be automatically applied to your server(s) running on NGINX/OLS within 72 hours and Containerized server(s) within 3 hours. If you don't receive the update in the expected timeframe, please contact our support team.

Changelog - May 06, 2024


  • Apache HTTPD 2.4.59

OLS Releases

  • Openlitespeed 1.8.1

The updates will be automatically applied to your server(s) running on OLS within 72 hours. If you don't receive the update in the expected timeframe, please contact our support team.

Changelog - April 30, 2024

PHP Updates (NGINX)

  • PHP 8.3.6
  • PHP 8.2.18
  • PHP 8.1.28

Note: If your server runs on OpenLiteSpeed, RunCloud does not handle PHP version updates. However, once a PHP version update becomes available for OpenLiteSpeed, it should also be automatically available on your server(s).

Changelog - April 04, 2024

PHP Updates (NGINX)

  • PHP 8.3.4
  • PHP 8.2.17
  • PHP 8.1.27
  • PHP 8.0.30

Note: If your server runs on OpenLiteSpeed, RunCloud does not handle PHP version updates. However, once a PHP version update becomes available for OpenLiteSpeed, it should also be automatically available on your server(s).

OLS Releases

  • Openlitespeed 1.8.0

The updates will be automatically applied to your server(s) running on OLS within 72 hours. If you don't receive the update in the expected timeframe, please contact our support team.

Changelog - March 20, 2024

RunCloud Agent v2.8.3+7

This new version brings improvements and stability to the process of adding or updating web application configuration files for NGINX, OpenLiteSpeed, and Containerized servers. The process is now faster and more stable, especially for web applications with multiple domain names.

This update will be automatically applied to your server within the next 72 hours. If you do not receive the update within this timeframe, please contact our support team, and they will assist you in manually updating your server(s).

Web Application Config Rebuild

  • Improved: Display an indicator/alert message on the web application summary page when the web application configuration rebuild is still in progress or has failed.

File Manager

  • Improved: The file/directory listing now organizes directories at the top, followed by files and symlinks, sorted alphabetically by name for improved clarity and ease of navigation.

Changelog - March 19, 2024

PHP Updates (NGINX)

  • PHP 8.3.3
  • PHP 8.2.16

Note: If your server runs on OpenLiteSpeed, RunCloud does not handle PHP version updates. However, once a PHP version update becomes available for OpenLiteSpeed, it should also be automatically available on your server(s).

Containerized Releases


The updates will be automatically applied to your server(s) running on NGINX within 72 hours and Containerized server(s) within 3 hours. If you don't receive the update in the expected timeframe, please contact our support team.

Changelog - February 20, 2024

File Manager

  • Improved: File/directory permissions are now displayed using numerical/octal values (e.g., 755 or 644) to enhance readability for non-developers.
  • Improved: File/directory symlinks are now distinguished by a different icon to differentiate them from normal files/directories.
  • Improved: Symlink origin target location is now shown to provide you with additional information about the symlink; this improvement requires Agent 2.8.2+4.

RunCloud Agent v2.8.2+4

This new version is necessary to display the symlink origin target location in the file manager, along with some security fixes for the file manager and the fix webapp ownership tool.

This update will be automatically applied to your server within the next 72 hours. If you do not receive the update within this timeframe, please contact our support team, and they will assist you in manually updating your server(s).

Changelog - February 16, 2024

Internationalized Domain Name (IDN)

  • Improved: Expanded support for IDN characters, including a broader range of Danish characters.
  • Fixed: Issue encountered when deploying Let's Encrypt SSL using the dns-01 authorization method for certain IDN characters.

RunCloud Agent Update Alert

It is highly recommended that you use the latest RunCloud agent to access the newest features and have the best experience while using RunCloud.

We have enhanced the process by displaying information on the server dashboard/summary page when a new version of the RunCloud Agent is available on your server.

  • A "New Version Available" info badge will appear 1 hour after a new agent release.
  • An "Update Required" warning badge will be displayed if either the automatic agent update fails after 72 hours (3 days) or a new major version is released.
  • An "Outdated Agents" danger badge will be shown if your server has not received the latest agent update after 7 days, in case the automatic agent update failed for any reason on your server.

Clicking the badge will open a modal popup where you can find more information on how to manually update the RunCloud agent on your server or trigger another agent update retry within 2 hours by clicking "Update" button.

Changelog - 6 February 2024

Let's Encrypt SSL

  • Improved: New domain validation has been added for deploying Let's Encrypt SSL using the dns-01 authorization method. This ensures the DNS provider API, where the domain is managed, is valid.
  • Improved: Introduced the option to change the Authorization Method when editing a Let's Encrypt SSL. Users can switch between http-01 and dns-01 (or vice versa), which will be applied during the next SSL renewal or redeployment.
  • Improved: Added an indicator for when Let's Encrypt SSL needs to be redeployed for SSL Advanced (Business), such as after enabling the www or wildcard option.
  • Improved: Implemented notifications and an activity log for when Let's Encrypt SSL expires.

Server Provisioning

  • Improved: Added a Premium plan option for the Linode/Akamai Cloud server provider.

RunCloud Agent v2.8.1+2

This update will automatically be applied to your server within the next 72 hours. If you do not receive the update within this timeframe, please contact our support team, and they will assist you with a manual update of your server(s).

This new agent includes the following updates:

OpenLiteSpeed (OLS)

  • Fixed: A custom user's phpIniOverride configuration block in a web application could prevent the default RunCloud's phpIniOverride from applying to this web application.

Note: If you use a custom phpIniOverride in your OLS web application, it is recommended to update the RunCloud agent to v2.8.1 on your server. Then, use the Tools - Rebuild Web Application config feature to get the updated configuration.

File Manager

  • Fixed: The File Manager sometimes displayed incorrect file MIME types. For example, wasm files should show as application/wasm instead of application/octet-stream.

Changelog - 24 January 2024


  • Improved: For both external and local backup storage, you have the option to set the retention period for backup snapshot files to 2, 3, 6 months, or 1 year.

PHP Updates (NGINX)

  • PHP 8.3.2
  • PHP 8.2.15

Note: If your server runs on OpenLiteSpeed, RunCloud does not handle PHP version updates. However, once a PHP version update becomes available for OpenLiteSpeed, it should also be automatically available on your server(s).

NGINX Releases

  • NGINX 1.25.31

OpenLiteSpeed Releases

  • OpenLiteSpeed 1.7.19

Containerized Releases

  • Redis 7.2.4

The updates will be automatically applied to your server(s) running on NGINX within 72 hours and Containerized server(s) within 3 hours. If you don't receive the update in the expected timeframe, please contact our support team.

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