Changelog - January 15, 2020

What’s New:
  • Added announcement bar inside panel.
  • Business package will have ability to get notification when someone create SSH/SFTP session inside their server. This can be installed or uninstalled inside Notification > SSH Login Notification.
  • Business package have ability to list and kill SSH Session in a server. This function can be access in Security > SSH Session.
  • Updated agent to version 2.2.7.

Changelog - December 27, 2019

What’s New:
  • File Manager UI enhancement:
  1. Select/Unselect all items. User can use shift + click to select multiple items and use esc key to deselect items.
  2. Replace top file manager menu with floating bar at the bottom.
  3. Access folder or files only using one-click.
  4. Adding breadcrumbs to enable user to access previous path/folder.

Changelog - December 21, 2019

What’s New:
  • Introducing WP Canvas, user now can save their theme, plugins and custom settings and use it during installation. Only available for Business Plan user.
  • User now are able to add International Domain Name (IDN)
  • We’re now provide free domain for testing purposes
Bug Fixes
  • Recompile PHP V7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 due to bugs when reloading fpm.
  • Fixed phpBB script installer
  • UI Update - Rearrange menu inside User Settings.

Changelog - December 6, 2019

What's new
  • RunCloud now support PHP version 7.4. Deprecated modules: recode, wddx
  • Tools menu now available under Web Application menu. Business Package user now can:
  • SSH Key Vault
Bug fixes
  • Fix several issues for WordPress Staging agent
  • Fix Let’s Encrypt bug in staging Let’s Encrypt Environment
  • Fix several UI issues


  • Updated NGINX package to version 1.17.6
  • Adding Google reCaptcha V3 on several page to prevent spam and abuse

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