Changelog - July 3, 2020


PHP 7.4.7
PHP 7.3.19


  • All supported server provisioning providers (except Amazon Lightsail) now support Ubuntu 20.04 installation.
  • Fix Ubuntu 20.04 installation on Hetzner server
  • Fix 6G and 7G firewall for blocking /wp-admin

Changelog - June 22, 2020

What's New:

ModSecurity Web Application Firewall (WAF)

  • RunCloud support ModSecurity with OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS) for Web Application Firewall (WAF). 
  • You can easily enable/disable ModSecurity WAF to each web application in your RunCloud servers and adjust Paranoia Level and Anomaly Threshold parameters.
  • This feature is available to all paid plans for a limited time, and only available for Business Plan after.
  • Business Plan subscribers also can create and modify your own OWASP Firewall Rule.

Web Application Custom NGINX Configuration

  • You can customize each web application NGINX configuration.
  • You can redirect non-www to www and vice versa as a drop-in for custom NGINX configuration.
  • You also can choose redirection when creating web/WordPress applications.
  • 6G and 7G firewalls by Perishable Press are supported as a drop-in for custom NGINX configuration.
  • This feature is available for all paid plans.

Server Provisioning Enhancements

  • NEW: You can build a new UpCloud and Amazon Lightsail server directly from RunCloud Dashboard.
  • For Vultr users, you can choose Cloud Compute, High-Frequency Compute or Dedicated Cloud plans when building a new server from RunCloud Dashboard.
  • For Linode users, you can choose Nanode, Standard, High Memory, Dedicate or GPU plans when building a new server from RunCloud Dashboard.
  • For DigitalOcean users, you can choose Standard, General Purpose, CPU-Optimized, or Memory Optimized plans when building a new server from RunCloud Dashboard.

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)

  • Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) is now available through IP Address installation.
  • Direct installation for each supported Server Provider will be available soon.

Cloudflare DNS Management

  • We now support integration with Cloudflare. You can manage and add a new domain to your Cloudflare account directly from our new "DNS Manager" menu.
  • This feature is available to all paid plans.
  • You can also add a domain to your Cloudflare account directly when creating a web application in RunCloud. We take care of adding the A record for you automatically. This specific feature is only available for Business plan.

Other New Improvements

  • One-Click PHPMyAdmin installation
    • You can install PHPMyAdmin directly on your server.
  • Web Application PROXY Protocol
    • You can run a web application in PROXY Protocol if you are behind a load balancer that uses the protocol. 
    • Do note that enabling PROXY Protocol may affect all web applications inside the server because it applies to all server blocks that listen on the same port, whether they were specified or not.
  • WordPress Bedrock
    • Adding WordPress Bedrock based application support to RunCloud Hub.
  • RunCloud Agent updated to v2.3.4
    • It will take up to 24 hours to propagate the RunCloud Agent update to all RunCloud managed servers.

Note: RunCloud Agent should be updated automatically on your server. But if your server still uses RunCloud Agent v2.3.3 and below, please contact our support.

Changelog - March 16, 2020

What's New:

  • Server Provisioning: User can now provision DigitalOcean, Linode, and Vultr servers directly through the RunCloud Dashboard.
  • New Connect Server UI to facilitate server provisioning feature.
  • Global In-app Notifications
  • Server Health Notification Settings: User can now customize server health notification settings (load, memory, disk) inside their server.
  • Change Web Application Owner is now available for all paid plans.
  • One-Click WordPress Install improvement. User can now add custom table prefix, database user, and database password.
  • RunCloud Free Domain improvements:
    - User can now use RunCloud Free Domain under Domain Name menu.
    - User can now use RunCloud Free Domain for WP Staging
    - User can now customize initial app name when using RunCloud Free Domain
  • RunCloud Agents v2.2.8:
    - Only allow TLS 1.2, 1.3
    - Add table prefix for One Click WordPress Install
    - Fix zombie process

Note: RunCloud Agent should be updated automatically in your server. But if your server still use RunCloud Agent v2.2.7 and below, please contact our support.

Changelog - January 15, 2020

What’s New:
  • Added announcement bar inside panel.
  • Business package will have ability to get notification when someone create SSH/SFTP session inside their server. This can be installed or uninstalled inside Notification > SSH Login Notification.
  • Business package have ability to list and kill SSH Session in a server. This function can be access in Security > SSH Session.
  • Updated agent to version 2.2.7.

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