Changelog - 26 June 2023

PHP Version Releases

  • PHP 8.2.7
  • PHP 8.1.20
  • PHP 8.0.29

The update will be automatically applied to your server within 72 hours. If you do not receive the update within this timeframe, please contact our support team for a manual update.

Note: If your server runs on OpenLiteSpeed, RunCloud does not handle PHP version updates. However, once a PHP version update becomes available for OpenLiteSpeed, it should also be automatically available on your server(s).

Changelog - 22 June 2023


  • Improved: increase SSL deployment/renewal stability because of the recent ACME update
  • Fixed: "Unknown error" issue during SSL deployment/renewal
  • Fixed: "Undefined index: certificate" issue during SSL deployment/renewal

Web Application

  • New: enable Laravel-specific features for Laravel web app type in the OpenLiteSpeed server (previously it is only available for the Nginx server)
  • Fixed: web app settings update failed because of a validation issue.

Changelog - 21 June 2023

RunCloud Agent v2.6.8

The update will be automatically applied to your server within 72 hours. If you do not receive the update within this timeframe, please contact our support team for a manual update.

This new agent contains the following updates:

Git and Atomic Deployment

1-Click WordPress

  • Fixed: 1-click WordPress issue on the containerized server using PHP8.0+

WebApp Cloning and WordPress Staging

  • Improved: improve search&replace domain name in the custom Nginx config cloning process
  • Improved: increase the timeout for WordPress search and replace URLs in the database to support big WordPress sites

Changelog - 16 June 2023

Activity Logs

  • Improved: add a status filter in the Server and Web Application activity logs to allow you to filter it based on the log level (info, warning, error)


  • Fixed: in some cases, the server list page shows a server with high CPU/RAM usage, but it looks normal on the server health page.

Changelog - 12 June 2023

Git Deployment

  • Improved: compatibility with Azure DevOps git repository

Backup v3

  • Fixed: deleting a backup snapshot in local backup storage does not update the total backup instance size

Changelog - 1 June 2023


  • Improved: add Ubuntu 22.04 LTS to UpCloud server provisioning
  • Fixed: server lists page only shows 15 servers maximum when using the server tags filter

WebApp Cloning

  • Fixed: 502 error issue when cloning a web application from an Nginx/OpenLiteSpeed to a containerized server

Changelog - 30 May 2023

PHP Version Releases

  • PHP 8.2.6 (NGINX/Docker)
  • PHP 8.1.19 (NGINX)

The update will be automatically applied to your server within 72 hours. If you do not receive the update within this timeframe, please contact our support team for a manual update.

Note: If your server runs on OpenLiteSpeed, RunCloud does not handle PHP version updates. However, once a PHP version update becomes available for OpenLiteSpeed, it should also be automatically available on your server(s).

Changelog - 29 May 2023

RunCloud Agent v2.6.7

  • Fixed: RAM/memory usage value inside Server summary page
  • Fixed: 404 issues on the 1-Click WordPress Multisite subdirectory when using the OpenLiteSpeed server because the .htaccess file is not generated properly

The update will be automatically applied to your server within 72 hours. If you do not receive the update within this timeframe, please contact our support team for a manual update.

Changelog - 26 May 2023

Web Applications

  • Fixed: Create web app issue using Prestashop script installer.
  • Fixed: Add IDN domain name issue that contains "--" characters.


  • Fixed: Ubuntu 22.04 is not displayed when connecting a new server using Amazon Lightsail.
  • Fixed: Incorrect NGINX memory usage in the Services page when the server is on high usage.  
  • Fixed: Containerized server becomes inaccessible after removing a rule from the firewall.


  • Fixed: team members are unable to view the server because of the inactive team.

Web App Firewall (WAF)

  • Fixed: Update to ModSecurity 3.0.9 for CVE-2023-28882 security fix. 

Backup v3

  • fixed: Responsive issue when creating a backup from mobile devices.


  • Fixed: HTML tag issue on the Telegram notification.

Changelog - 11 May 2023

RunCloud Agent v2.6.6

  • Fixed: Web app cloning issue from Containerized server to Nginx/OpenLiteSpeed and vice versa

The update will be automatically applied to your server within 72 hours. If you do not receive the update within this timeframe, please contact our support team for a manual update.

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