Changelog - 11 August 2023

RunCloud Agent v2.7.0

The update will be automatically applied to your server within 72 hours. If you do not receive the update within this timeframe, please contact our support team for a manual update.

This new agent contains the following updates:

Containerized Server

  • Fixed: Git and Atomic Deployment failed with the "unable connect to host" error


  • Fixed: Incremental backup retry failed with the "Access Denied" error

Activity Log

  • Fixed: Missing activity log for failed SSL deployment in some cases

Changelog - 17 July 2023

RunCloud Hub WordPress Plugin v1.4.0

This new version brings some improvements, including the plugin updater stability, so for future releases, you will always be able to update it from your WordPress dashboard.

If you still have an older version of the plugin installed and don't see an update notification, you can update it manually using the plugin ZIP file

  • Improved: RunCache page cache status is now detected in WP Site Health
  • Improved: WPML compatibility (automatically purge translated versions of content when purging post/page/URL)
  • Improved: WPML compatibility (preload post/page from all languages, not only the main language)
  • Improved: TranslatePress compatibility (automatically purge translated versions of content when purging post/page/URL)
  • Improved: TranslatePress compatibility (preload post/page from all languages, not only the main language)
  • Improved: Purge old post/page cache when its permalink is changed
  • Improved: Purge old post/page cache when it is deleted
  • Improved: Purge category/taxonomy URL page cache when it is updated
  • Improved: Purge category/taxonomy URL page cache when it is deleted
  • Improved: Purge old category/taxonomy URL page cache when its permalink is changed
  • Improved: Purge user/author profile URL page cache when the user is updated
  • Improved: Purge user/author profile URL page cache when the user is deleted
  • Improved: Purge all cache when site title / tagline / WordPress address / site address is changed
  • Improved: Compatibility with Bedrock + Soil + Sage
  • Improved: Skip excluded posts/pages in cache preload
  • Improved: Clicking "Clear Cache of This Post" will also clear the WP Rocket post cache
  • Improved: Clicking "Clear Cache of This Post" will also clear the W3 Total Cache post cache
  • Improved: Clicking "Clear Cache of This Post" will also clear the WP Super Cache post cache
  • Improved: Introduce the ability to programmatically clear post cache using RunCloud_Hub::purge_cache_post($post_id)
  • Improved: Strict checking on purge cache status message in case something is wrong/missing on the Nginx config
  • Improved: Error message when purge failed on Nginx server because RCWP_IS_CONTAINERIZED constant appears on wp-config.php
  • Improved: Error message when purge failed on Containerized server because RCWP_IS_CONTAINERIZED constant does not appear in the wp-config.php file
  • Improved: Plugin updater stability for future releases
  • Fixed: Nginx config cache rule not being updated in some custom WordPress setups
  • Fixed: Issue with purging all cache when Cloudflare Proxy is enabled
  • Fixed: Inability to purge the cache when using the relative URLs feature/plugin
  • Fixed: Purging post cache not automatically assigning new category/tag/term in the block editor
  • Fixed: WPCLI purgeall failed when a custom Nginx config was in place for security purposes
  • Fixed: Failed to detect another custom setup of WordPress in a subdirectory
  • Fixed: Redis Object Cache compatibility with PHP8.1
  • Fixed: Redis Object Cache drop-in file is not automatically updated during plugin update
  • Fixed: Missing RunCloud Hub settings menu because of CSS conflict with other plugins

Changelog - 13 July 2023

PHP Version Releases

  • PHP 8.2.8
  • PHP 8.1.21

The update will be automatically applied to your server(s) running on NGINX within 72 hours and Containerized server(s) within 3 hours. If you don’t receive the update in the expected timeframe, please contact our support team.

Note: If your server runs on OpenLiteSpeed, RunCloud does not handle PHP version updates. However, once a PHP version update becomes available for OpenLiteSpeed, it should also be automatically available on your server(s).

Changelog - 5 July 2023

Containerized Core is officially out of beta and in early access.

What this means: It’s safe to use in production (while there may still be rare edge-case scenarios as it rolls out across the board)

Here’s why it matters: We currently believe that containerization will play a big role in the future of RunCloud. Using Docker, we’re able to isolate application dependencies such as Redis, MariaDB, NGINX, PHP (and so on) from the operating system level. Under the hood this is a big improvement that stands to allow us to continue leveling up what RunCloud makes possible for everyone.

Learn more about our Containerized Core update here.

Changelog - 26 June 2023

PHP Version Releases

  • PHP 8.2.7
  • PHP 8.1.20
  • PHP 8.0.29

The update will be automatically applied to your server within 72 hours. If you do not receive the update within this timeframe, please contact our support team for a manual update.

Note: If your server runs on OpenLiteSpeed, RunCloud does not handle PHP version updates. However, once a PHP version update becomes available for OpenLiteSpeed, it should also be automatically available on your server(s).

Changelog - 22 June 2023


  • Improved: increase SSL deployment/renewal stability because of the recent ACME update
  • Fixed: "Unknown error" issue during SSL deployment/renewal
  • Fixed: "Undefined index: certificate" issue during SSL deployment/renewal

Web Application

  • New: enable Laravel-specific features for Laravel web app type in the OpenLiteSpeed server (previously it is only available for the Nginx server)
  • Fixed: web app settings update failed because of a validation issue.

Changelog - 21 June 2023

RunCloud Agent v2.6.8

The update will be automatically applied to your server within 72 hours. If you do not receive the update within this timeframe, please contact our support team for a manual update.

This new agent contains the following updates:

Git and Atomic Deployment

1-Click WordPress

  • Fixed: 1-click WordPress issue on the containerized server using PHP8.0+

WebApp Cloning and WordPress Staging

  • Improved: improve search&replace domain name in the custom Nginx config cloning process
  • Improved: increase the timeout for WordPress search and replace URLs in the database to support big WordPress sites

Changelog - 16 June 2023

Activity Logs

  • Improved: add a status filter in the Server and Web Application activity logs to allow you to filter it based on the log level (info, warning, error)


  • Fixed: in some cases, the server list page shows a server with high CPU/RAM usage, but it looks normal on the server health page.

Changelog - 12 June 2023

Git Deployment

  • Improved: compatibility with Azure DevOps git repository

Backup v3

  • Fixed: deleting a backup snapshot in local backup storage does not update the total backup instance size

Changelog - 1 June 2023


  • Improved: add Ubuntu 22.04 LTS to UpCloud server provisioning
  • Fixed: server lists page only shows 15 servers maximum when using the server tags filter

WebApp Cloning

  • Fixed: 502 error issue when cloning a web application from an Nginx/OpenLiteSpeed to a containerized server

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