Changelog - December 6, 2019

What's new
  • RunCloud now support PHP version 7.4. Deprecated modules: recode, wddx
  • Tools menu now available under Web Application menu. Business Package user now can:
  • SSH Key Vault
Bug fixes
  • Fix several issues for WordPress Staging agent
  • Fix Let’s Encrypt bug in staging Let’s Encrypt Environment
  • Fix several UI issues


  • Updated NGINX package to version 1.17.6
  • Adding Google reCaptcha V3 on several page to prevent spam and abuse

Changelog - September 24, 2019

What's New
  • Update agent version to 2.1.11
  • Web Application directory size
  • Ability to select Web Application type to enable special menu
  • Nginx full page caching for WordPress
  • Ability to modify certain WordPress value inside panel

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