Changelog - August 16, 2024

RunCloud Agent v2.8.8+8

  • Fixed: Problem With Blocked IPs in Fail2Ban Not Working After Firewall Deployments.
Note: This update will automatically apply to your server within 72 hours. If you do not receive the update within this timeframe, please contact our support team, and they will help you manually update your server(s).

Changelog - August 14, 2024

System User

  • Fixed: Unable to Assign Sudo Privileges to Certain System Users.

RunCloud Agent v2.8.8+7

  • Fixed: Issue With PHP Configuration During the Deletion of Web Applications.
  • Improved: Restoring Backups Leading to a Spike in CPU Usage.
Note: This update will automatically apply to your server within 72 hours. If you do not receive the update within this timeframe, please contact our support team, and they will help you manually update your server(s).

Changelog - August 6, 2024

RunCloud Agent v2.8.8+5

  • Fixed: Problem encountered during backup restoration
Note: This update will automatically apply to your server within 72 hours. If you do not receive the update within this timeframe, please contact our support team, and they will help you manually update your server(s).

Changelog - August 5, 2024

PHP Updates (NGINX)

  • PHP 8.3.10
  • PHP 8.2.22

Note: If your server runs on OpenLiteSpeed, RunCloud does not handle PHP version updates. However, once a PHP version update becomes available for OpenLiteSpeed, it should also be automatically available on your server(s).

Changelog – August 2, 2024

RunCloud Hub
  • Improved: The RunCloud Hub WordPress Plugin Can Now Be Updated Directly In Your RunCloud Dashboard.
  • Improved: Introduced Warnings to Indicate Whether the RunCloud Hub WordPress Plugin is Removed, Not Installed, or Deactivated, With the Option to Resolve These Issues Directly in Your RunCloud Dashboard.
  • Improved: Introduced Warnings to Indicate whether the RunCloud Hub NGINX Configuration is Missing, Invalid, or Incorrect, With the Option to Resolve These Issues Directly in Your RunCloud Dashboard.
  • Improved: New Option to Enable Redis Object Cache When RunCloud Hub is Enabled for Your Web Application.
  • Improved: The RunCloud Dashboard Now Displays the Redis Object Cache Status as Either Disabled, Enabled via RunCloud Hub, or Enabled via a Third-Party Redis Cache Plugin.
  • Improved: Redis Object Cache Can Be Easily Enabled or Disabled in Your RunCloud Dashboard Without Needing to Log in to Your WordPress Admin Dashboard.

Note: This improvement requires RunCloud Agent v2.8.3 or higher in your server.

RunCloud Agent v2.8.8+4
  • Improved: Improve stability of the storage monitoring process

NoteThis update will automatically apply to your server within 72 hours. If you do not receive the update within this timeframe, please contact our support team, and they will help you manually update your server(s).

Changelog - August 1, 2024

RunCloud Hub
  • Improved: Introduced Unique Cache Keys for WooCommerce Sessions to Prevent "Cart-Conflict" Between Site Visitors.
  • Improved: Pages With a Set-Cookie Header Are No Longer Cached to Prevent "Session-Conflict" Issues Due to FastCGI/Proxy Cache.
  • Improved: Pages With a No-Cache Cache-Control Header Are No Longer Cached, Enhancing Support for More WordPress Plugins.
  • Improved: Purge Cache URLs Now Support Query Strings, Enhancing the "Include Cache Query String" Feature.
  • Improved: NGINX Cache Key Update for Easier Purging of Pagination URL Variations and URLs With Query Strings When the Current Page Cache is Cleared.
Note: This update require a RunCloud Hub NGINX configuration update. You can trigger this update by saving RunCloud Hub settings in our panel or clicking "Push Server Cache Rules" in the RunCloud Hub WordPress plugin settings.

RunCloud Hub WordPress Plugin v1.4.5
  • Improved: Enhanced Purge Cache by URL Functionality to Target Exact Page URL Without Using Wildcards.
  • Improved: The WP-CLI runcloud-hub purgeall Command Now Also Clears Cloudflare Cache When the Integration is Enabled.
  • Fixed: Warning in WP-CLI When Running Scheduled Purge Cache With Cloudflare Integration Enabled.

Note: If you still have an older version of the plugin installed and do not see an update notification in the WordPress dashboard, you can manually update it using the plugin ZIP file

Changelog - July 31, 2024

PHP Updates (NGINX)

  • PHP 8.3.9
  • PHP 8.2.21

Note: If your server runs on OpenLiteSpeed, RunCloud does not handle PHP version updates. However, once a PHP version update becomes available for OpenLiteSpeed, it should also be automatically available on your server(s).

Nginx Updates

  • nginx-rc

Apache Updates

  • apache-rc 2.4.62

Changelog - July 30, 2024

Cloning Improvements
  • Fixed: Unable to Clone WordPress Bedrock Applications
  • Fixed: Some Pages Encountering an Unexpected Error During Cloning
RunCloud Agent v2.8.8+3

Note: This update will automatically apply to your server within 72 hours. If you do not receive the update within this timeframe, please contact our support team, and they will help you manually update your server(s).

Changelog - July 29, 2024

RunCloud Agent v2.8.8+2

  • Improved: The Stability of WordPress Cloning
  • New: Introduced the Ability to Clone Custom NGINX, RunCloud Hub, ModSec, and Backups
  • New: Introduced the Ability to Add and Remove Linked Databases
Note: This update will automatically apply to your server within 72 hours. If you do not receive the update within this timeframe, please contact our support team, and they will help you manually update your server(s).

Changelog - July 24, 2024

RunCloud Agent v2.8.8+1
  • Improved: RunCloud Storage Incremental Backup Process
  • Improved: Email Reminders for Inactive Servers
  • Fixed: Issue With Restoration Process Returning Error 127

Note: This update will automatically apply to your server within 72 hours. If you do not receive the update within this timeframe, please contact our support team, and they will help you manually update your server(s).

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