Changelog - 28 April 2021: OpenLiteSpeed

We are excited to bring the official release of OpenLiteSpeed in RunCloud.

All major features those are supported on Nginx server are fully available also on OpenLiteSpeed server now.

Clone Web Application

This feature now supports both Nginx and OpenLiteSpeed servers. Follow our guide for more details.

You can clone your web application easily,

  • from Nginx to Nginx
  • from Nginx to OpenLiteSpeed
  • from OpenLiteSpeed to Nginx
  • from OpenLiteSpeed to OpenLiteSpeed

Note: if you clone a WordPress site from Native Nginx stack to OpenLiteSpeed, and experience 404 page because of missing .htaccess file, you can simply login to WordPress dashboard, go to Settings - Permalinks page, and click Save Changes button.

WordPress Staging

This feature now supports both Nginx and OpenLiteSpeed servers. Follow our guide for more details.

You can easily create an exact copy of your entire website (web application) for staging and development purpose in seconds. 

Atomic Deployment (Zero Downtime Deployment)

This feature now supports both Nginx and OpenLiteSpeed servers. Follow our guide for more details.

OpenLiteSpeed .htaccess Changes Detection:

Normally once you edit/update .htaccess file in your OpenLiteSpeed web application, you will need to restart OpenLiteSpeed service to take effect for those changes.

When you use OpenLiteSpeed using RunCloud, all .htaccess changes/updates will be detected and OpenLiteSpeed service will be reloaded without downtime automatically.

Deploying & managing OpenLiteSpeed (OLS)servers has never been easier than it is with RunCloud. Follow our guide on how to install WordPress on OpenLiteSpeed.

Changelog - 24 February 2021: Temporary SSH Key

New Update: Temporary SSH Key

For Business plan users, we have released a nifty feature to add temporary SSH key to your servers that will be automatically deleted after 12 hours. 

It is useful when you want to give temporary access to your server for your team/developer/freelancer.

Changelog - 22 January 2021: PHP 8

New Feature: PHP 8.0.1

  • PHP 8.0.1 is now available on all Nginx servers (Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, 20.04 LTS), and all OpenLiteSpeed servers (Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04 LTS) 
  • PHP 8 is available when creating a new web application and also through the web application settings for existing web apps.
  • PHP 8 option is available on PHP-CLI Version under the server menu. 
  • PHP 8 vendor binary option is available on Cron Job and Supervisor menu. 
  • PHP 7.4 is still the recommended version for production use in RunCloud, and becomes the default option.
  • It is recommended to test it on a staging environment first before enabling it on your production application. Certain PHP modules are still not officially compatible with PHP 8. 
  • Kindly use PHP 8 with caution and contact your developer in case there are issue on the application side. Please note that our support is limited to technical issues on the panel side only.
  • For WordPress users, PHP 8 is beta compatible with WordPress 5.6 and above. Some WordPress themes/plugins may not be fully compatible with PHP 8.  

New Update: PHP 7.4.14

  • PHP 7.4.14 is now available on all Nginx servers (Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, 20.04 LTS), and all OpenLiteSpeed servers (Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04 LTS) 
  • PHP 7.4.14 release contains many bug fixes for PHP 7.4 version 

RunCloud Agent v2.4.2 release

  • New RunCloud Agent v2.4.2 is released to support PHP 8 in your server

Note: RunCloud Agent will automatically update on your server within 72hrs. If you get any warning alert after 72hrs, please contact our support for the manual update.

Changelog - 11 January 2021: OpenLiteSpeed Beta & PayPal Credit Top-up

New Feature: OpenLiteSpeed Beta

  • User will see an option to configure the server either for Nginx or OpenLitespeed stack when spinning up a new server in RunCloud
  • OpenLiteSpeed is currently in beta and recommended for testing only, not for production use
  • Some RunCloud features are not supported under OpenLiteSpeed stack during beta period until further announcement, including WordPress Staging, Web App Cloning, RunCloud Hub, and Atomic Deployment
  • OpenLiteSpeed beta is available for all paid plan users on Basic, Pro, and Business plans

New Feature: PayPal Credit Top-Up

  • Currently, the RunCloud subscription system only accepts Visa and MasterCard.
  • If you wish to use PayPal or any credit cards supported by PayPal, please use the credit top-up feature on our subscription page to add non-recurring credit to your account
  • You can use the credit for a subscription, and you may top-up more credit manually at any time or each month to continue your subscription

Bug Fixes: Backup

  • The queue system for our new backup system has been implemented to make it more CPU-resource friendly, especially for servers with many web applications
  • Some new backup issues reported by our users have been fixed

RunCloud Agent v2.4.1

  • RunCloud builds different agents for the Nginx stack and OpenLitespeed stack
Note: RunCloud Agent should be updated automatically on your server within 48 hours. If it is unable to be updated within 48 hours, please contact our support to fix this issue.