Changelog - October 30, 2020


RunCloud Agent 2.3.8

  • Add option to change or disable setfacl cron job.


RunCloud Hub 

  • Change the default cache method from NGINX Redis SR Cache to NGINX FastCGI/Proxy Cache.

Agent Alert Icon

  • An alert icon is displayed if the server is not updated to the latest RunCloud Agent.

Note: RunCloud Agent should be updated automatically on your server. If your server still uses RunCloud Agent v2.3.7 and below, please contact our support.

Changelog - October 13, 2020


RunCloud Hub v1.1.0

  • Add support for NGINX SR Cache.

WP Canvas

  • You can add your custom themes and plugins by adding a download link. The link URL must be publically accessible and the file should be in a .ZIP format.

SSH Whitelist IP Notification

  • You can whitelist the IP from triggering the SSH Notification. This setting can be found under the Notification menu inside your server


  • PHP 7.4.1
  • PHP 7.3.23
  • PHP 7.2.34
  • Enable support for FTPS

RunCloud Agent 2.3.7

  • Fix URL rewrite on WordPress Staging and Clone Web App features for WordPress based application
  • Refresh RunCloud Hub when the user syncs the staging environment to production and vise versa when using the WordPress Staging feature.

Note: RunCloud Agent should be updated automatically on your server. It will take up to 24 - 48 hours to propagate this update to all RunCloud managed servers. If your server still uses RunCloud Agent v2.3.6 and below, please contact our support.

Changelog - Sept 24, 2020


RunCloud Hub

You can choose and switch which folder that you prefer to use for storing Cache:

  • Disk - Recommended for a server with SSD and multiple web apps.
  • RAMDisk (previously default folder)- Should be faster than disk but limited to memory size.

You can change the option via your RunCloud Hub menu inside your RunCloud Dashboard.

RunCloud Scheduled Downtime on 19 August 2020

As per our email announcement, we would like to remind you again that we will perform database migration, moving RunCloud Infrastructure to Amazon Web Service (AWS).

Due to this migration, the RunCloud dashboard will go offline for 2 hours on 19 August 2020 at 06:00 AM UTC. This downtime is needed to ensure the safety of your data and no data loss during database migration.

Start: 19 August 2020 06:00 AM UTC
End: 19 August 2020 08:00 AM UTC

Be rest assured that all of your servers and web applications will run normally and not affected by this RunCloud dashboard migration process.

We appreciate your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please do not hesitate to open a support ticket or email to if you have any concerns.

Thank you.

Changelog - Aug 12, 2020



RunCloud Hub V1.0.4

  • Fix Redis Object Cache issue with WordPress 5.5.
  • Prevent debug purge and debug Redis output in WP Rest API.
  • Change default preload speed to 12 posts/pages per minute for fresh RunCloud Hub installation.

Note:  If you get locked from accessing WP Admin caused by the Redis Object Cache in WordPress 5.5, please disable RunCloud Hub on your web application inside RunCloud Dashboard. Then, re-enable it again to get the latest RunCloud Hub version.

Changelog - Aug 3, 2020


RunCloud Hub V1.0.3

Redis Object Cache

  • Redis Object Cache is turned off by default for the new RunCloud Hub installation.
  • Rewrite Redis Object Cache and Object Cache drop-in file.
  • Add the "Debug Redis" option which enables Redis Object Cache statistics (hit, miss, ratio, and size) at the footer. (Only viewable by Administrator role).
  • Auto-update and auto-remove drop-in file when Redis Object Cache is enabled/disabled.
  • Fix redirect issues caused by Redis after changing the home URL (domain/subdomain).


  • Improve speed when fetching server health and transfer stats data from RunCloud Panel.
  • Make "Last Update Time" to be easily readable.
  • Fix some cases where stats are empty after installing/updating the RunCloud Hub plugin.

RunCache Rules

  • Show success/failed notification after updating cache rules to the server.

RunCache Preload

  • Background preload sleep interval now follows the Preload Speed option.
  • Fix Background Preload doesn't start running after switching from Admin Preload.

WordPress Multisite

  • Increase the limit of "get_sites" from the default (100) to 500, to support a multisite network that has more than 100 subsites.

Client Mode

  • Fix magic link and stats option turned off after disabling client mode constant.

Plugin Compatibility

  • Improve compatibility with WP Rocket.

RunCloud Hub Settings

  • Add a new Reset Settings button, allowing users to reset settings to default settings.

Changelog - July 23, 2020


RunCloud Agent v2.3.5
• Fix issue where ModSecurity file is corrupted during initialization
• Update OWASP CRS to version 3.3.0
• Update WP-CLI to version 2.4.0
• RunCloud WordPress Staging now supports WordPress Bedrock-based application
• Fix RunCloud Hub installation for WordPress Multisite

Note: RunCloud Agent should be updated automatically on your server. It will take up to 24 - 48 hours to propagate this update to all RunCloud managed servers. If your server still uses RunCloud Agent v2.3.4 and below, please contact our support.

Routine Maintenance Reminder 17th July 2020

We would like to remind you again that our cloud provider will be carrying out routine maintenance on 17th July 2020 starting from 7 am - 3 pm (UTC). They assured zero to low downtime but we will keep you posted from time to time. 

If there is any fluctuation or intermittent downtime, be rest assured that all the hosted web applications will load normally and only RunCloud Dashboard will be briefly unavailable during the maintenance window.

Creating and renewing Let's Encrypt SSL will probably be interrupted during this window. We would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused during the maintenance window by our cloud provider.

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