Changelog - Dec 3, 2020


RunCloud Hub WordPress Plugin V1.1.1



  • Allow user to control automatic purge of all event
  • New option to purge all when:
    • Custom permalink structure is changed (default = yes)
    • Switch to different theme (default = yes)
    • Customizer is saved/updated
    • Theme/plugin is updated
    • Plugin is activated/deactivated
    • Nav menu is updated
    • Sidebar/widget is updated
  • New hook:
    • runcloud_purge_nginx_cache_post
    • runcloud_purge_nginx_cache_home
  • Display notice:
    • When no NGINX configuration detected
    • When purge failed because of incorrect cache method
    • If Redis not connected
    • If there are no custom permalink structure


  • RunCache Purger - Optimize cache purger method
  • RunCache Preload - Run preload in batch to make it more CPU-resource friendly
  • Redis Object Cache - Update Redis object cache dropin


  • RunCache Purger - Fix various minor bugs reported by users
  • RunCache Purger - Fix WP-CLI purge all issue
  • Redis Object Cache - Fix Redis debug shown on Jetpack stats page



  • Simplify settings page


  • Fix notice doesn't appear when Redic Object Cache is activated but not connected
  • Fix admin menu styling that conflict with other plugin