Weekly Changelog - 12 July 2022

Support Ticket

  • added: support improvements with GDPR compliance
  • added: user can enable/disable magic link for support agent access in a support ticket
  • added: user can track support agent activity when using the magic link in the server's Activity Log page
  • fixed: when opening a support ticket, the description field gets cleared if the user fills the description field before the subject field

Server Firewall 

  • improved: add warning alert to deploy new firewall change to make firewall updated on the server-side

Nginx & Apache Releases

  • apache2-rc 2.4.54
  • nginx-rc 1.21.4

Weekly Changelog - 5 July 2022

Backup v3 beta

  • fixed: backup restore failed message does not show in the activity log
  • fixed: backup restore can not restore to database only

DNS Manager

  • fixed: missing priority field on MX record

Predefined Nginx Config

  • improved: block trackback config supports WordPress multisite and WordPress in a subdirectory
  • improved: block xmlrpc config supports WordPress multisite and WordPress in a subdirectory

Weekly Changelog - 28 June 2022

Backup v3 beta

  • fixed: notification on failed backup

Web Application 

  • fixed: adding redirect domain throw Nginx error

Notification & Activity Log

  • improved: show RunCloud Agent action name when there is any error on agent call

PHP Monthly Releases

  • PHP 8.1.7 (Nginx)
  • PHP 8.0.20 (Nginx)
  • PHP 7.4.30 (Nginx)

*) For OpenLiteSpeed, the PHP version update is not handled by RunCloud. Once the PHP version update is available in OpenLiteSpeed, it should be updated automatically in your server.

Weekly Changelog - 21 June 2022

Backup v3 beta

  • added: new Wasabi AP Southeast 1 (Singapore) region for external backup storage
  • improved: when hovering backup snapshot date, show a tooltip to inform that this snapshot is either scheduled backup or on-demand backup
  • improved: backup instance status will become "Archived" when a server is transferred to another RunCloud account.
  • fixed: for local backup, when deleting a backup instance, the backup snapshot files should be removed from the server
  • fixed: full backup failed when generating SQL database backup because of the "Got packet bigger than max_allowed_packet when dumping table X at row Y" error
  • fixed: incorrect total backup snapshots in the backup instance summary
  • fixed: incorrect backup file size on the notification (email/telegram/slack) for external and local storage

3rd Party Integration

  • improved: for Vultr API, add additional instruction about RunCloud IP addresses when you want to limit Vultr API for specific IP addresses.
  • improved: for Cloudflare API, change the Get API Key link to https://dash.cloudflare.com/profile

Nginx Config

  • fixed: the wrong URL for the Nginx cheat sheet article

Web Application

  • improved: when you try to delete a web application from the web application list page, show a warning when this web application has a linked database that will be removed also when you remove the web application


  • removed: blog update option is removed from the newsletter settings since we only send a newsletter for important updates/announcements only 

Weekly Changelog - 14 June 2022

Backup v3 beta

  • improved: when editing an external backup storage integration API key, show the generated bucket name when this API key has been used for the full backup process


  • fixed: Server summary page error issue because of primary domain issue in one web application

Weekly Changelog - 7 June 2022

Backup v3 beta

  • improved: for external backup storage, get the error message from the storage provider when a full backup process failed to provide valuable information to identify the issue from the storage provider
  • fixed: UI issue, missing modal header in the external backup storage provider name

Nginx Config

  • improved: rename predefined Nginx config for WordPress Multisite Directory with Native Nginx to prevent potential conflict with RunCloud Hub


  • fixed: redirect issue for HSTS-enabled web application for both Nginx and OLS

Weekly Changelog - 30 May 2022

Backup v3 beta

  • added: new Wasabi AP Southeast 2 (Sydney) region for external backup storage
  • improved: clean up current backup job/files when a backup is canceled/removed.
  • improved: clean up local storage in the server when a backup is canceled/removed. 
  • improved: total backup snapshots should count completed backup snapshots only. 
  • fixed: fix some incremental backup fails with the 'can not retrieve backup summary' message because the backup could not be initialized properly.
  • fixed: error message when a user tries to create a backup instance to external storage but does not select any external storage integration
  • fixed: backup list pagination does not follow the current filter on the second page.

Server Health

  • improved: the server health is checked/updated every minute, previously it is every 15 minutes delay.
  • improved: instant notification when your server reaches the high resource threshold, no longer need to wait for 15 minutes delay.
  • added: another notification will be sent when the server resource is back to normal usage, below the high resource threshold.
  • added: (Business plan only) per-minute server health data that will show the server resource graph from the last hour (60 minutes).
  • removed: weekly/monthly server health data because we only keep 30 days of data, so the weekly/monthly graph does not provide valuable info.

WordPress & RunCloud Hub

  • added: 1-Click WordPress Multisite subdomain/subdirectory is available in the 1-Click WordPress.
  • improved: do not run home/site URL updates on the WordPress General Settings page when the current WordPress Multisite is broken.
  • improved: do not run home/site URL updates on the WordPress General Settings page when a user tries to update a WordPress Multisite with an existing custom domain to prevent database issues.
  • fixed: fix RunCloud Hub magic link issue when WP-CLI output is corrupted by the active plugin(s)/theme.

Web Application Cloning

  • fixed: fix cloning process issue when cloning some custom Nginx config.

PHP Releases

  • PHP 8.1.6 (Nginx)
  • PHP 8.0.19 (Nginx)
  • PHP 7.4.29 (Nginx)

*) For OpenLiteSpeed, the PHP version update is not handled by RunCloud. Once the PHP version update is available in OpenLiteSpeed, it should be updated automatically in your server.

RunCloud Agent v2.5.1 release

Some updates above will require the RunCloud Agent update in your server. It will automatically update on your server within 72hrs. If you get any warning alert after 72hrs, please contact our support for the manual update.

Changelog - 27 May 2022: 1-Click WordPress Multisite

The 1-Click WordPress Multisite is now available in RunCloud. 

When using the 1-Click WordPress Install feature, you will see a new WordPress Multisite option, where you can choose to install:

  • Single WordPress (Standard installation)
  • WordPress Multisite Subdomain
  • WordPress Multisite Subdirectory

*) This feature requires the RunCloud Agent v2.5.1 minimum.

Changelog - 25 May 2022: New Server Health

The Server Health feature now is back with some new improvements.

  • improved: the server health is checked/updated every minute, previously it is every 15 minutes delay.
  • improved: instant notification when your server reaches the high resource threshold, no longer need to wait for 15 minutes delay.
  • new: another notification will be sent when the server resource is back to normal usage, below the high resource threshold.
  • new: (Business plan only) per-minute server health data that will show the server resource graph from the last hour (60 minutes).
  • removed: weekly/monthly server health data because we only keep 30 days of data, so the weekly/monthly graph does not provide valuable info.

*) This update requires the RunCloud Agent v2.5.1 minimum.

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