Changelog - 6 October 2021: Performance Update, New Dashboard Beta3, WordPress Improvements, AutoSSL, many more

Performance Update

Performance is one of our main focus. Our team has improved performance for Nginx server from the server side. During our internal testing, we can see webapp performance increase from 20% to 50%

Currently, this performance update is fully available for new deployed Nginx server, starting from 4 October 2021. We are still working on to make this performance update also available on the existing server in the near future.

New Dashboard Beta 3

Thank you very much to all RunCloud users who actively report bugs in the new dashboard (beta). Our team has fixed all issues that have been reported from the last 2-3 weeks.

  • fixed: LiteSpeed Cache plugin not installed issue when creating WordPress webapp in OpenLiteSpeed server
  • fixed: file manager search crash error issue
  • fixed: left menu tooltip flickering issue
  • fixed: incorrect webapp public path issue in webapp dashboard
  • fixed: arrow key skip result issue when navigating global search result
  • fixed: can not create subscription with credit only, without credit card
  • fixed: missing "Run In" field value when editing cron job
  • fixed: missing private key & certification fields when editing Custom SSL/TLS
  • fixed: missing Firewall menu under webapp with OpenLiteSpeed stack
  • fixed: missing "Remove Git" option in Git deployment webapp
  • fixed: Laravel .env file editor keep adding new field when when editing other field
  • fixed: "Reset Default" button when editing Litespeed config does not work
  • fixed: Symlink webapp checkbox issue in Atomic Deployment
  • fixed: File manager opens wrong file, the first selected item
  • fixed: server installation progress stucks in 2% and needs to be refreshed to see the progress
  • improved: global search keyboard accessibility
  • improved: disable global search atomic deployment & teams category for non-business user
  • improved: Server Health graph scale should begin from 0
  • improved: assign database user modal is improved by using dropdown select
  • improved: copywriting improvements in some area


  • improved: improve stability of cloning & staging features in RunCloud
  • improved: skip DEFINER on database cloning, to prevent database cloning stuck because of DEFINER presence in your database
  • fixed: global notification sometimes is not correct order for ongoing staging/cloning progress 

Cloning&Staging (WordPress)

  • improved: add support for WordPress multisite network
  • improved: double check if WordPress wp-config.php has been updated properly with the new cloned/staging database info before updating domain URLs
  • improved: update Wordfence WAF path during staging & cloning. we fully support Wordfence WAF now
  • improved: regenerate Elementor CSS cache files during staging, cloning, and general settings update, and primary domain update.
  • improved: generate .htaccess automatically when cloning from Native Nginx to Openlitespeed, to prevent 404 issue.
  • improved: minimize staging/cloning issue because of WordPress theme/plugin conflict
  • improved: temporary disable object cache & must-use plugins during cloning/staging process
  • improved: handle if wp-config.php is placed outside of webapp RootPath
  • improved: handle if wp-config.php or Bedrock .env file is a symlink, especially when you use custom deployment in RunCloud
  • improved: handle custom Bedrock deployment structure, especially when you use custom deployment in RunCloud
  • improved: handle mixed content http/https in the database during cloning/staging
  • improved: automatically update DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE, WP_HOME, WP_SITEURL, COOKIE_DOMAIN constants if they exist in wp-config.php file
  • improved: automatically trying to clear cache of your WordPress site after cloning/staging process is finished

One-Click WordPress Install

  • improved: improve stability of 1-Click WordPress webapp creation in RunCloud and fix some random/various issues, including could not download WordPress core files, and could not create wp-config.php file
  • improved: automatically setup default permalink to /%postname%/ for best SEO practice
  • improved: make sure .htaccess is generated for OpenLiteSpeed & Nginx-Apache2 Hybrid stack
  • improved: make sure the file/folder permission is 755/644

RunCloud Hub 

  • improved: improve stability of RunCloud Hub feature in RunCloud and fix some random/various issues during install/update/remove RunCloud Hub and magic link
  • improved: support custom WordPress in subdirectory

WordPress Canvas 

  • improved: improve stability of WordPress Canvas feature in RunCloud
  • improved: allow user to choose to activate plugin from WordPress repository 
  • improved: allow user to choose to activate custom theme/plugin (ZIP file link)
  • fixed: allow user to use plain (empty) permalink

WordPress General Settings & Primary Domain change

  • improved: improve stability of WordPress General Settings & Primary Domain change feature in RunCloud
  • improved: when changing the domain, automatically search&replace domain URLs in the database
  • improved: when changing from http to https, or vice versa, automatically fixed mixed content http/https URLs in the database
  • improved: when changing the domain, automatically update DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE constant in Bedrock .env file
  • improved: when changing the domain, automatically update DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE, WP_HOME, WP_SITEURL, COOKIE_DOMAIN constants if they exist in wp-config.php file
  • improved: when changing the domain, automatically trying to clear cache of your WordPress site

WordPress Improvements

With the latest RunCloud Agent update (v2.4.8+11), now all of RunCloud features, RunCloud Hub, WordPress Staging, Cloning, and General Settings (update home URL) is fully compatible with most WordPress web app types, including:

  • single WordPress (standard)
  • WordPress Multisite subdomain
  • WordPress Multisite subdirectory
  • WordPress Bedrock
  • Custom WordPress with WordPress files in subdirectory but served from the website root

File Manager ZIP/UNZIP

  • fixed: issue on ZIP/UNZIP without password


  • new release: OpenLiteSpeed v1.7.14
  • fixed: previously you could not add new wildcard domain in OpenLiteSpeed, now you can add it again. It is when you add new domain to your app, but a wildcard domain, not by using our domain v2 feature where you can enable wildcard in your domain.

PHP Version (Nginx Server)

  • PHP 8.0.10 (Nginx)
  • PHP 7.4.23 (Nginx)
  • PHP 7.3.30 (Nginx)

Note: For OpenLiteSpeed, PHP version update is not handled by RunCloud. Once PHP version update is available in OpenLiteSpeed, it should be updated automatically in your server.


  • improved: LetsEncrypt SSL deployment retries has been increased from 24 hours (1 day) to 72 hours (3 days)
  • improved: When AutoSSL is active, previously it is available only when adding new domain, now it is available also when you deploy LetsEncrypt SSL for existing domain.