Introducing API Analytics

As a workspace owner, you can now visit the analytics page to view your API usage, including metrics such as an all-time total of your API requests, the total requests you’ve made this month, and the total requests you’ve made today.

You also have the option to filter the data by month or user, allowing you to see specific API calls made during a particular month or using a specific team member’s API key(s).

And you can now also view logs for individual endpoints – with the ability to filter them by month or user, as well as ability to download the data in CSV format. 

To allow your team members to create their own API keys, you’ll need to create a custom role that has the View API Key Page permission, as (for security reasons) none of the default roles include this permission.

Learn more about how to create & manage roles here.

Note: As a workspace owner, you have full access to view and manage the API data belonging to you and your team members. Team members can only view and manage API data associated with their API key(s).


New: You can now set the proxy status for your domains to proxied on Cloudflare.