Weekly Changelog - 2 August 2022: Dropbox & Google Drive Backup Storage

Backup v3 beta

  • added: Dropbox backup storage is available for Pro & Business users
  • added: Google Drive backup storage is available for Pro & Business users
  • added: option to restore the full backup to other/different and new site
  • improved: more stable backup restore process for both incremental and full backup
  • improved: add backup restore progress to global notification 
  • improved: informative notification to email/slack/telegram for completed/failed backup restore
  • improved: initial support for WP Multisite & Bedrock in backup restore 
  • improved: better way of updating database details in the wp-config.php file when restoring WordPress web application
  • improved: send warning in global notification when backup restore process fails to update database details in the wp-config.php file
  • improved: better way of search&replace URLs in the database when restoring WordPress web application to other & new site
  • improved: send warning in global notification when backup restore process fails to complete search&replace URLs in the database when restoring WordPress web application to other & new site
  • improved: generate the .htaccess file if it does not exist when restoring WordPress web application with either Nginx-Apache2 Hybrid or OpenLiteSpeed stack
  • improved: automatically clear cache after restoring WordPress web application
  • fixed: another case on the incremental backup process with a "can't retrieve backup summary" error message


  • improved: support custom config for Supervisor

Atomic Deployment

  • improved: increase atomic deployment timeout to 20 minutes


fixed: web server log is not cleaned when using Disk Cleanup

File Manager

  • fixed: support file/folder name with a space character
  • fixed: handle file/folder symlink properly

RunCloud Agent v2.5.4 release

Some updates above will require the RunCloud Agent update in your server. It was released on 29 July 2022, and it should be updated automatically on your server within 72hrs. If your server still does not receive the new version, please contact our support for the manual update.

Weekly Changelog - 30 May 2022

Backup v3 beta

  • added: new Wasabi AP Southeast 2 (Sydney) region for external backup storage
  • improved: clean up current backup job/files when a backup is canceled/removed.
  • improved: clean up local storage in the server when a backup is canceled/removed. 
  • improved: total backup snapshots should count completed backup snapshots only. 
  • fixed: fix some incremental backup fails with the 'can not retrieve backup summary' message because the backup could not be initialized properly.
  • fixed: error message when a user tries to create a backup instance to external storage but does not select any external storage integration
  • fixed: backup list pagination does not follow the current filter on the second page.

Server Health

  • improved: the server health is checked/updated every minute, previously it is every 15 minutes delay.
  • improved: instant notification when your server reaches the high resource threshold, no longer need to wait for 15 minutes delay.
  • added: another notification will be sent when the server resource is back to normal usage, below the high resource threshold.
  • added: (Business plan only) per-minute server health data that will show the server resource graph from the last hour (60 minutes).
  • removed: weekly/monthly server health data because we only keep 30 days of data, so the weekly/monthly graph does not provide valuable info.

WordPress & RunCloud Hub

  • added: 1-Click WordPress Multisite subdomain/subdirectory is available in the 1-Click WordPress.
  • improved: do not run home/site URL updates on the WordPress General Settings page when the current WordPress Multisite is broken.
  • improved: do not run home/site URL updates on the WordPress General Settings page when a user tries to update a WordPress Multisite with an existing custom domain to prevent database issues.
  • fixed: fix RunCloud Hub magic link issue when WP-CLI output is corrupted by the active plugin(s)/theme.

Web Application Cloning

  • fixed: fix cloning process issue when cloning some custom Nginx config.

PHP Releases

  • PHP 8.1.6 (Nginx)
  • PHP 8.0.19 (Nginx)
  • PHP 7.4.29 (Nginx)

*) For OpenLiteSpeed, the PHP version update is not handled by RunCloud. Once the PHP version update is available in OpenLiteSpeed, it should be updated automatically in your server.

RunCloud Agent v2.5.1 release

Some updates above will require the RunCloud Agent update in your server. It will automatically update on your server within 72hrs. If you get any warning alert after 72hrs, please contact our support for the manual update.

Changelog - 27 May 2022: 1-Click WordPress Multisite

The 1-Click WordPress Multisite is now available in RunCloud. 

When using the 1-Click WordPress Install feature, you will see a new WordPress Multisite option, where you can choose to install:

  • Single WordPress (Standard installation)
  • WordPress Multisite Subdomain
  • WordPress Multisite Subdirectory

*) This feature requires the RunCloud Agent v2.5.1 minimum.

Changelog - 25 May 2022: New Server Health

The Server Health feature now is back with some new improvements.

  • improved: the server health is checked/updated every minute, previously it is every 15 minutes delay.
  • improved: instant notification when your server reaches the high resource threshold, no longer need to wait for 15 minutes delay.
  • new: another notification will be sent when the server resource is back to normal usage, below the high resource threshold.
  • new: (Business plan only) per-minute server health data that will show the server resource graph from the last hour (60 minutes).
  • removed: weekly/monthly server health data because we only keep 30 days of data, so the weekly/monthly graph does not provide valuable info.

*) This update requires the RunCloud Agent v2.5.1 minimum.

Changelog - 23 May 2022: RunCloud Agent 2.5.1

New RunCloud Agent v2.5.1 has been released.

  • improved: Server Health. now it collects data every minute, previously it is every 15 minutes
  • improved: Server Health. now it can detect when server resources reach the high resource threshold and notify the user about it without 15 minutes delay.
  • improved: Backup v3 beta. cleanup current backup job/files when a backup is canceled/removed.
  • improved: Backup v3 beta. cleanup local storage in the server when a backup is canceled/removed. 
  • fixed: Backup v3 beta. fix some incremental backup fail with the 'can not retrieve backup summary' message
  • fixed: Web Application Cloning. fix cloning issue when cloning some custom Nginx config.
  • improved: WordPress General Settings. do not run home/site URL updates when the current WordPress Multisite is broken.
  • improved: WordPress General Settings. do not run home/site URL updates when a user tries to update a WordPress Multisite with an existing custom domain to prevent database issues.
  • fixed: RunCloud Hub. fix magic link issue when WP-CLI output is corrupted by the active plugin(s)/theme.
  • new: 1-Click WordPress. add new function to allow you to install WordPress Multisite in 1-Click WordPress

*) The RunCloud agent will be automatically updated on your server within 72hrs. If you get any warning alert after 72hrs, please contact our support for the manual update.

Changelog - 19 January 2022: New Dashboard Release

We are beyond proud and excited to announce that our all-new dashboard experience is coming out of beta.

Most of the reported bugs related to the new dashboard have been fixed, and we will keep improving our new panel after this release.
  • improved: properly notify the user on deleting web app with linked database
  • fixed: rebuild web app config doesn't work
  • fixed: password generator copy button doesn't work
  • fixed: editing cronjob sometimes trigger time format invalid error
  • fixed: file manager breadcrumb for child folder sometimes doesn't show properly
  • fixed: link & symlink PHP functions are still disabled after being removed on disabled_functions
  • fixed: recently viewed server can't be clicked
  • fixed: fail2ban issue

Changelog - 18 November 2021: RunCloud Hub, New Dashboard Beta4, PHP & PHPRedis

RunCloud Hub v1.2.0 WordPress Plugin

  • added: new “Ignore query strings” option (RunCache - Rules page) that will completely ignore utm_*, fbclid, gclid, etc query strings and make your site served cached version when this query strings exits. It is very useful for SEO, SEM, and paid traffics in general.
  • added: new “Exclude DONOTCACHEPAGE constant” option (RunCache - Rules page) that will automatically exclude page from cache when DONOTCACHEPAGE constant is detected on the current page. It is useful for automatic plugin integration, WordPress multisite, and Cloudflare integration. Please clear all cache after enable/disable this option.
  • added: new Cloudflare integration (beta)that will allow you to:
    • purge Cloudflare cache after Nginx cache purged, both for all cache or post/page cache
    • test Cloudflare status to see if your page is cached via Cloudflare or APO
    • enable/disable Cloudflare page caching using “Cache Everything” page rule, available for all Cloudflare plan, including free plan.
    • enable/disable Cloudflare page caching using APO (Automatic Platform Optimization) from RunCloud Hub Settings page, if you have subscribed to APO in your Cloudflare account. Using official Cloudflare plugin will be optional when using RunCloud Hub.
    • note: if you enable Cloudflare integration, please make sure to enable  “Exclude DONOTCACHEPAGE constant” option.
    • this feature is still in beta, you need to enable Cloudflare menu from your WordPress Dashboard - Settings - RunCloud Hub - Settings page.
  • improved: Redis Object Cache
    • improved onboarding to enable/disabe Redis Object Cache smoothly
    • for WordPress Multisite Subdirectory, Redis Object Cache can be enabled/disabled on network-wide level, it can not be enabled/disabled on subsite level.
    • for WordPress Multisite Subdomain, by default, Redis Object Cache can be enabled/disabled on subsite level by user with Administrator level on the subsite. It is useful for small WordPress Multisite network, where you have full total control for all subsites.
    • for big network of WordPress Multisite Subdomain, for example WaaS, it is better to hide enable/disable Redis Object Cache on subsite by adding constant to wp-config.php file define( 'RCWP_REDIS_NETWORK_ACTIVE', true );
  • fixed: some various bugs reported by our users to make RunCloud Hub becomes more stable.


New Dashboard Beta 4

Thank you very much to all RunCloud users who actively report bugs in the new dashboard (beta).

In Beta 4, due to popular demand from new dashboard (beta) users, we bring back grid & list view option on main Servers page.

  • added: Grid & list view for the main Servers page
  • added: File manager breadcrumb
  • improved: some UI/UX improvements, including new table UI & collapsible  sidebar
  • fixed: Accept team invitation button does not work in Safari browser
  • fixed: Disable Cloudflare integration issue on webapp domain
  • fixed: File manager opens wrong file sometimes
  • fixed: File manager search issue
  • fixed: Cronjob edit loses time settings
  • fixed: Typo in 'ROOT_PATH' inside Atomic Deployment
  • fixed: Allow view supervisor jobs but disable update supervisor settings

PHP Version (Nginx Server)

  • PHP 8.0.12 (Nginx)
  • PHP 7.4.25 (Nginx)
  • PHP 7.3.32 (Nginx)

Note: For OpenLiteSpeed, PHP version update is not handled by RunCloud. Once PHP version update is available in OpenLiteSpeed, it should be updated automatically in your server.

PHPRedis (Nginx Server)

PHPRedis has been recompiled to support serializer & compression.

  • igbinary serializer
  • lzf compression
  • lz4 compression
  • zstd compression

PHPRedis serializer & compression is good for high performance site because it can reduce Redis memory usage and network communication. Please check if your CMS has feature/addon that support Redis object cache with PHPRedis serializer & compression. 

[Done] Unscheduled Maintenance for Backup Service

Update: Sep 24, 2021 02:46 UTC (38 minutes) Backup service unscheduled maintenance has been finished.

RunCloud is aware of performance issue in Backup service in the last few hours. 

Currently, we run unscheduled maintenance on Backup service to investigate and fix this issue.

If you use our Backup feature, your backup jobs will be resumed once the unscheduled maintenance has been finished.

The maintenance was performed on Backup feature only, RunCloud panel was not affected during this maintenance window.

Changelog - 14 September 2021: New Dashboard Beta 2

Thank you very much to all RunCloud users who actively report bugs in the new dashboard (beta). Our team has fixed all issues that have been reported from the last 2 weeks.

New Dashboard Beta 2

  • fixed: some responsive issues on iPad/tablet screen size
  • fixed: ssh config should be enabled also for Basic & Pro users
  • fixed: could not create WordPress staging
  • fixed: assign database user to a database issue
  • fixed: edit cronjob issue where Run In value is not selected automatically
  • fixed: remove clone webapp alert, clone webapp is available for all paid users
  • fixed: subscription page issue
  • fixed: linked database issue on web app settings
  • improved: .env file editor for laravel webapp type
  • improved: code block color contrast in support ticket description
  • improved: stability on password generator when creating webapp

You can switch from classic dashboard (manage.runcloud.io) to new dashboard (new.runcloud.io), and vice versa, anytime from the top-right profile dropdown menu. You can switch back to RunCloud classic dashboard at any time and it will still be available during this beta.

During the beta version of RunCloud's new dashboard, you can leave direct feedback by using the Report Bug menu on the top right (flag icon).

Please kindly understand that the Report Bug menu is not for asking technical support. Please contact us through the Support Ticket page for technical support queries.

Changelog - 31 August 2021: New Dashboard (Beta)

New dashboard is now available in beta for all RunCloud users. Some highlighted features of the new dashboard (beta):

  • New interface with fresh look and fully responsive. Our new dashboard is fully accessible from any device, including your mobile device.
  • Global Search (beta). You can quickly search anything in your RunCloud account (servers, web applications, database, etc). We will keep improving our global search during this beta.
  • Server Tags. You add tag(s) to your servers from Servers menu. It is very useful to organize your servers when you have many servers.
  • Web Applications top level menu. You can see the list of all web applications from any servers. It is very useful when your business is growing and you have many servers & webapps.
  • Laravel web app type. For Laravel users, you can edit web app settings and change web app type from Custom to Laravel to unlock some Laravel features.
    • Laravel Octane. Yes, you can run your web app with Laravel Octane in RunCloud with Nginx server easily.
    • Artisan. You can run some common artisan commands directly from RunCloud dashboard
    • Shortcut to edit .env file and deployment script
  • And many improvements, for example:
    • Recently viewed servers & web apps feature.
    • Improved Billing/Subscription flow.
    • Improved Team flow when creating team and invite team member with email notification
    • Improved Web App creation and Git deployment flow
    • Improved activity logs, sorted by date

You can switch from classic dashboard (manage.runcloud.io) to new dashboard (new.runcloud.io), and vice versa, anytime from the top-right profile dropdown menu. You can switch back to RunCloud classic dashboard at anytime and it will still be available during this beta.

During beta version of RunCloud new dashboard, you can leave direct feedback by using Report Bug menu on the top right (flag icon).

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Added: File manager zip/unzip feature
  • Updated: RunCloud Agent version 2.4.8 iteration 7
  • Updated: WAF Modsec CRS version 3.3.2
  • Updated: NodeJS version 14 LTS for new server
  • Fixed: team member can not manage domain and ssl on shared team server
  • Fixed: invoice/receipt print issue
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