Changelog - 6 February 2024

Let's Encrypt SSL

  • Improved: New domain validation has been added for deploying Let's Encrypt SSL using the dns-01 authorization method. This ensures the DNS provider API, where the domain is managed, is valid.
  • Improved: Introduced the option to change the Authorization Method when editing a Let's Encrypt SSL. Users can switch between http-01 and dns-01 (or vice versa), which will be applied during the next SSL renewal or redeployment.
  • Improved: Added an indicator for when Let's Encrypt SSL needs to be redeployed for SSL Advanced (Business), such as after enabling the www or wildcard option.
  • Improved: Implemented notifications and an activity log for when Let's Encrypt SSL expires.

Server Provisioning

  • Improved: Added a Premium plan option for the Linode/Akamai Cloud server provider.

RunCloud Agent v2.8.1+2

This update will automatically be applied to your server within the next 72 hours. If you do not receive the update within this timeframe, please contact our support team, and they will assist you with a manual update of your server(s).

This new agent includes the following updates:

OpenLiteSpeed (OLS)

  • Fixed: A custom user's phpIniOverride configuration block in a web application could prevent the default RunCloud's phpIniOverride from applying to this web application.

Note: If you use a custom phpIniOverride in your OLS web application, it is recommended to update the RunCloud agent to v2.8.1 on your server. Then, use the Tools - Rebuild Web Application config feature to get the updated configuration.

File Manager

  • Fixed: The File Manager sometimes displayed incorrect file MIME types. For example, wasm files should show as application/wasm instead of application/octet-stream.

Changelog - 24 January 2024


  • Improved: For both external and local backup storage, you have the option to set the retention period for backup snapshot files to 2, 3, 6 months, or 1 year.

PHP Updates (NGINX)

  • PHP 8.3.2
  • PHP 8.2.15

Note: If your server runs on OpenLiteSpeed, RunCloud does not handle PHP version updates. However, once a PHP version update becomes available for OpenLiteSpeed, it should also be automatically available on your server(s).

NGINX Releases

  • NGINX 1.25.31

OpenLiteSpeed Releases

  • OpenLiteSpeed 1.7.19

Containerized Releases

  • Redis 7.2.4

The updates will be automatically applied to your server(s) running on NGINX within 72 hours and Containerized server(s) within 3 hours. If you don't receive the update in the expected timeframe, please contact our support team.

Changelog - 16 January 2024


  • Improved: We've implemented a new queue system that will automatically manage backups on your server. At present, we've set a limit of a maximum of 3 concurrent backup processes per server. Occasionally, you may notice a PENDING/QUEUE status on your latest backup snapshot.
  • Improved: A new retry mechanism has been introduced. Under certain circumstances, it will attempt to retry failed backup operations up to 3 times before marking them as failed. Occasionally, you may notice a RETRYING status on your latest backup snapshot.
  • Improved: For new backup snapshots, a "finished at" date and time will now be shown when you hover over the backup snapshot's date and time. This feature provides an estimation of the duration of the backup process, from queuing to completion.

Changelog - 11 January 2024

PHP 8.3 Release

RunCloud now supports PHP 8.3 in our panel.

It is currently available for all NGINX and Containerized servers on the following operating systems:

  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

For OpenLiteSpeed, it is currently not available. We will support it once PHP 8.3 becomes available on OpenLiteSpeed.

To use PHP 8.3, you will need RunCloud Agent 2.8.0+2, which will be available on your server within 72 hours.

WPCLI 2.9.0 Release

For WordPress users, WPCLI has been updated to version 2.9.0, which includes compatibility with PHP 8.3.

Please make sure to use the latest version of WordPress, v6.4, as it has added "beta support" for PHP 8.3.

PHP Updates (NGINX)

  • PHP 8.3.1
  • PHP 8.2.14
  • PHP 8.1.27

Note: If your server runs on OpenLiteSpeed, RunCloud does not handle PHP version updates. However, once a PHP version update becomes available for OpenLiteSpeed, it should also be automatically available on your server(s).

RunCloud Agent 2.8.0+2

  • New: PHP 8.3 support
  • New: WPCLI 2.9.0 support
  • Fixed: 1-Click WordPress issue when using WPCLI 2.9.0
  • Fixed: File Manager unzip feature produces incorrect filenames

The updates will be automatically applied to your server(s) running on NGINX within 72 hours and Containerized server(s) within 3 hours. If you don't receive the update in the expected timeframe, please contact our support team.

Changelog - 27 November 2023

SSL/TLS Notification

  • Improvement: Failed Let's Encrypt SSL renewal notification will now be sent only once per week.
  • Improvement: No notification will be sent for successful Let's Encrypt SSL renewal.
  • Improvement: The email subject of the failed Let's Encrypt SSL notification will now display either the domain name or the web app name.

Apache Releases

  • Apache 2.4.58

Containerized Releases

  • MariaDB 10.11.6

The updates will be automatically applied to your server(s) running on NGINX within 72 hours and Containerized server(s) within 3 hours. If you don’t receive the update in the expected timeframe, please contact our support team.

Changelog - 16 November 2023

RunCloud Hub WordPress Plugin 1.4.4

  • Improved: Enable the Beta Tester version to notify you when a beta version becomes available.
  • Improved: Exclude server-side caching for the /wp-json Rest API endpoint.

If you still have an older version of the plugin installed and do not see an update notification in the WordPress dashboard, you can manually update it using the plugin ZIP file

PHP Releases

  • PHP 8.1.25
  • PHP 8.2.12

Note: If your server runs on OpenLiteSpeed, RunCloud does not handle PHP version updates. However, once a PHP version update becomes available for OpenLiteSpeed, it should also be automatically available on your server(s).

NGINX Releases


Containerized Releases

  • Redis 7.2.3

The updates will be automatically applied to your server(s) running on NGINX within 72 hours and Containerized server(s) within 3 hours. If you don’t receive the update in the expected timeframe, please contact our support team.

Changelog - November 1, 2023


  • New: Filter backup instances by status (active, failed, paused, archived).
  • New: Sort backup instances by label name, created at, and total backup size.
  • Improved: Updated backup instance overview layout to include the "last successful backup" information.
  • Fixed: Edit backup instance now redirects to the current backup instance overview page.

Atomic Deployment

  • Improved: Increased the limit of deployment scripts from 10 to 20.

Web Application Cloning

  • Fixed: Site authentication setting is now properly updated during cloning to a different server.

Changelog - 16 October 2023

PHP Version Releases

  • PHP 8.1.24
  • PHP 8.2.11

The updates will be automatically applied to your server(s) running on NGINX within 72 hours and Containerized server(s) within 3 hours. If you don’t receive the update in the expected timeframe, please contact our support team.

Note: If your server runs on OpenLiteSpeed, RunCloud does not handle PHP version updates. However, once a PHP version update becomes available for OpenLiteSpeed, it should also be automatically available on your server(s).

Containerized Server

  • Improved: newrelic and ioncube are now available for PHP8.2 in a containerized server

Changelog - 11 October 2023


  • New: Backup Activity Logs now available for all users

Effective from October 11th, 2023, the Backup Activity Logs feature will start recording all backup activities within your RunCloud account.

This valuable information can be accessed in two convenient locations:

  1. Activity Logs under each individual backup instance provide a detailed history of backup activities specific to that instance.
  2. Activity Logs on the main Backup page give you a comprehensive overview of important events occurring at the account level. This includes events such as the creation or deletion of backup instances.

Changelog - 27 September 2023

RunCloud Agent v2.7.3

The update will be automatically applied to your server within the next 72 hours. If you do not receive the update in this timeframe, please reach out to our support team & they will help manually update your server(s).

This new version of the RunCloud agent contains the following updates:

Automated Git Deployment

  • Improved: When deploying a git repository to an existing non-git web app, a temporary web app files backup is created automatically and will be restored in the event that git deployment is unsuccessful. 

Web App and Database Backups

  • Fixed: Full Backup Restore failing in some cases when the backup config JSON file is invalid.

1-Click WordPress Installation

  • Fixed: Unable to upload image after 1-Click WordPress finished because of folder permission issue. For users that were affected by this bug, you can use Fix Ownership tools to fix the folder permission issues.


  • Improved: The newly deployed server uses the latest LTS version of NodeJS v18
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