Weekly Changelog - 26 July 2022

Backup v3 beta

  • improved: add a warning alert when the user tries to edit the backup storage integration key that has been actively used for external backup
  • fixed: expired backup snapshots are not removed timely

Weekly Changelog - 12 July 2022

Support Ticket

  • added: support improvements with GDPR compliance
  • added: user can enable/disable magic link for support agent access in a support ticket
  • added: user can track support agent activity when using the magic link in the server's Activity Log page
  • fixed: when opening a support ticket, the description field gets cleared if the user fills the description field before the subject field

Server Firewall 

  • improved: add warning alert to deploy new firewall change to make firewall updated on the server-side

Nginx & Apache Releases

  • apache2-rc 2.4.54
  • nginx-rc 1.21.4

Weekly Changelog - 5 July 2022

Backup v3 beta

  • fixed: backup restore failed message does not show in the activity log
  • fixed: backup restore can not restore to database only

DNS Manager

  • fixed: missing priority field on MX record

Predefined Nginx Config

  • improved: block trackback config supports WordPress multisite and WordPress in a subdirectory
  • improved: block xmlrpc config supports WordPress multisite and WordPress in a subdirectory

Weekly Changelog - 28 June 2022

Backup v3 beta

  • fixed: notification on failed backup

Web Application 

  • fixed: adding redirect domain throw Nginx error

Notification & Activity Log

  • improved: show RunCloud Agent action name when there is any error on agent call

PHP Monthly Releases

  • PHP 8.1.7 (Nginx)
  • PHP 8.0.20 (Nginx)
  • PHP 7.4.30 (Nginx)

*) For OpenLiteSpeed, the PHP version update is not handled by RunCloud. Once the PHP version update is available in OpenLiteSpeed, it should be updated automatically in your server.

Changelog - 23 June 2022: PHP Monthly Releases

New PHP version releases are available for Nginx servers.

  • PHP 8.1.7 
  • PHP 8.0.20
  • PHP 7.4.30

It will be available on your Nginx servers within 72hrs automatically

*) For OpenLiteSpeed, the PHP version update is not handled by RunCloud. Once the PHP version update is available in OpenLiteSpeed, it should be updated automatically in your server.

Weekly Changelog - 21 June 2022

Backup v3 beta

  • added: new Wasabi AP Southeast 1 (Singapore) region for external backup storage
  • improved: when hovering backup snapshot date, show a tooltip to inform that this snapshot is either scheduled backup or on-demand backup
  • improved: backup instance status will become "Archived" when a server is transferred to another RunCloud account.
  • fixed: for local backup, when deleting a backup instance, the backup snapshot files should be removed from the server
  • fixed: full backup failed when generating SQL database backup because of the "Got packet bigger than max_allowed_packet when dumping table X at row Y" error
  • fixed: incorrect total backup snapshots in the backup instance summary
  • fixed: incorrect backup file size on the notification (email/telegram/slack) for external and local storage

3rd Party Integration

  • improved: for Vultr API, add additional instruction about RunCloud IP addresses when you want to limit Vultr API for specific IP addresses.
  • improved: for Cloudflare API, change the Get API Key link to https://dash.cloudflare.com/profile

Nginx Config

  • fixed: the wrong URL for the Nginx cheat sheet article

Web Application

  • improved: when you try to delete a web application from the web application list page, show a warning when this web application has a linked database that will be removed also when you remove the web application


  • removed: blog update option is removed from the newsletter settings since we only send a newsletter for important updates/announcements only 

Weekly Changelog - 14 June 2022

Backup v3 beta

  • improved: when editing an external backup storage integration API key, show the generated bucket name when this API key has been used for the full backup process


  • fixed: Server summary page error issue because of primary domain issue in one web application

Weekly Changelog - 7 June 2022

Backup v3 beta

  • improved: for external backup storage, get the error message from the storage provider when a full backup process failed to provide valuable information to identify the issue from the storage provider
  • fixed: UI issue, missing modal header in the external backup storage provider name

Nginx Config

  • improved: rename predefined Nginx config for WordPress Multisite Directory with Native Nginx to prevent potential conflict with RunCloud Hub


  • fixed: redirect issue for HSTS-enabled web application for both Nginx and OLS
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