Weekly Changelog - 7 Oct 2022

Backup v3 Official Release

Backup V3 is now out of beta. Thank you very much for your participation and feedback while it was in beta. If you're using RunCloud's backup storage, please ensure that your plan has enough storage for your backups to continue running without interruption (and add additional storage as required).
  • Basic – 2 GB RunCloud storage
  • Pro – 10 GB RunCloud storage
  • Business – 30 GB RunCloud storage
If you exceed your limits, your backup instances will be automatically disabled, and you should receive an email to encourage you to take action. Upon ensuring you have enough backup storage, your disabled backup instances will be automatically enabled again.

Incremental Backup Improvements

  • Improved: incremental backups are now more stable and faster than ever
  • Improved: better error messages on any issues with incremental backups

Server Provision

  • Added: direct server provisioning for Hetzner provider using the API key

RunCloud Agent v2.5.8

  • Improved: Better RunCloud Incremental backup.
  • Fixed: Health graph not showing the actual server time.
  • New: Added Jammy Jellyfish support.

Weekly Changelog - 22 Sept 2022


  • improvement: Added validate domain function when creating SSL certificate to check any blocking issue before deploying the SSL.

Team Feature

  • fixed: email invitation for team members on Team not being sent. 

Weekly Changelog - 9 September 2022

Dashboard Improvement

  • improved: Added web application icon on the web application list.
  • improved: Server health status is shown on the server list.
  • updated: Moving cloning page to the sidemenu.

MariaDB New Version Update Release

  • MariaDB release is stable at 10.6.

Atomic Deployment

  • improved: timeout for deployment increased to 30 minutes.
  • fixed: automatic deployment runs unintentionally after disabling auto deploy.

File Manager

  • fixed: file manager crash sometimes.

RunCloud Agent v2.5.6

  • improved: Better error message for RunCloudHub features. 
  • improved: Better compatibility with WordPress Multisite.

Weekly Changelog - 26 August 2022: New Subscription

Subscription v3

  • improve: new subscription interface to enhance user experience 
  • added: new invoice and receipt layout and new information added (Business ID, Tax ID)
  • added: billing email can be chosen from the notification channel

Backup v3 beta

  • improve: filter backup instances by server
  • fixed: RunCloud Storage Full backup download issue

DNS Manager

  • fixed: Save button disappears and not able to save the settings

Server Notification

  • fixed: Snooze setting dropdown empty after refresh


  • fixed: Server not responding when trying to update RunCache settings

Weekly Changelog - 2 August 2022: Dropbox & Google Drive Backup Storage

Backup v3 beta

  • added: Dropbox backup storage is available for Pro & Business users
  • added: Google Drive backup storage is available for Pro & Business users
  • added: option to restore the full backup to other/different and new site
  • improved: more stable backup restore process for both incremental and full backup
  • improved: add backup restore progress to global notification 
  • improved: informative notification to email/slack/telegram for completed/failed backup restore
  • improved: initial support for WP Multisite & Bedrock in backup restore 
  • improved: better way of updating database details in the wp-config.php file when restoring WordPress web application
  • improved: send warning in global notification when backup restore process fails to update database details in the wp-config.php file
  • improved: better way of search&replace URLs in the database when restoring WordPress web application to other & new site
  • improved: send warning in global notification when backup restore process fails to complete search&replace URLs in the database when restoring WordPress web application to other & new site
  • improved: generate the .htaccess file if it does not exist when restoring WordPress web application with either Nginx-Apache2 Hybrid or OpenLiteSpeed stack
  • improved: automatically clear cache after restoring WordPress web application
  • fixed: another case on the incremental backup process with a "can't retrieve backup summary" error message


  • improved: support custom config for Supervisor

Atomic Deployment

  • improved: increase atomic deployment timeout to 20 minutes


fixed: web server log is not cleaned when using Disk Cleanup

File Manager

  • fixed: support file/folder name with a space character
  • fixed: handle file/folder symlink properly

RunCloud Agent v2.5.4 release

Some updates above will require the RunCloud Agent update in your server. It was released on 29 July 2022, and it should be updated automatically on your server within 72hrs. If your server still does not receive the new version, please contact our support for the manual update.

Changelog - 29 July 2022: RunCloud Agent 2.5.4

New RunCloud Agent v2.5.4 has been released.

  • improved: support custom config for Supervisor
  • improved: increase atomic deployment timeout to 20 minutes
  • improved: backup restore stability for both incremental and full backup restore process
  • fixed: another case on the incremental backup process with a "can't retrieve backup summary" error message
  • fixed: file manager issue when handling symlink and file/folder name with a space character
  • fixed: OpenLitespeed web server log is not cleaned when using Disk Cleanup

*) The RunCloud agent will be automatically updated on your server within 72hrs. If you get any warning alert after 72hrs, please contact our support for the manual update.

Weekly Changelog - 26 July 2022

Backup v3 beta

  • improved: add a warning alert when the user tries to edit the backup storage integration key that has been actively used for external backup
  • fixed: expired backup snapshots are not removed timely

Weekly Changelog - 12 July 2022

Support Ticket

  • added: support improvements with GDPR compliance
  • added: user can enable/disable magic link for support agent access in a support ticket
  • added: user can track support agent activity when using the magic link in the server's Activity Log page
  • fixed: when opening a support ticket, the description field gets cleared if the user fills the description field before the subject field

Server Firewall 

  • improved: add warning alert to deploy new firewall change to make firewall updated on the server-side

Nginx & Apache Releases

  • apache2-rc 2.4.54
  • nginx-rc 1.21.4

Weekly Changelog - 5 July 2022

Backup v3 beta

  • fixed: backup restore failed message does not show in the activity log
  • fixed: backup restore can not restore to database only

DNS Manager

  • fixed: missing priority field on MX record

Predefined Nginx Config

  • improved: block trackback config supports WordPress multisite and WordPress in a subdirectory
  • improved: block xmlrpc config supports WordPress multisite and WordPress in a subdirectory
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