Temporary Maintenance on New Backup System

We have identified certain issues with our new backup system, which is leading to 20% of failed backups. We apologize for all the inconvenience caused because of our latest updates.

We have gone through each & every ticket, scenarios, and run some tests to verify. We find out that 8 out of 10 backups are successful and 2 are failing. In rare cases, it is also causing a high load on the servers while calculating the application size.

Our team is already working on the solution and in the meantime, we will be running a Maintenance Window to serve your better. During this Maintenance Window:

  • All Sites that run below 6 hours Backup Frequency (30 minutes, 1 hour, and 2 hours) will be temporarily disabled.
  • All Sites that run above 6 hours Backup Frequency will run as usual.
  • All backup sites that run on the legacy backup system will not be affected.

We would like to thank you for your patience and understanding. If you have any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to open a support ticket or email support@runcloud.io with any inquiries and our 24/7 support will be happy to help.

Changelog - Dec 5, 2020

We have successfully released the New Incremental Backup System along with some other important updates. Thank you for your patience and understanding during maintenance.

Here are the details of the release:

What’s New:

Introducing the Incremental Backup System

Backup Features:

  • Backup both Web Application and Database under one Site (previously called Instance). This is ideal for WordPress applications.
  • Create multiple backup variations for one Web Application/Database.
  • Exclude File, Folder, and Database Table that you don’t want to backup.
  • Label your backups for easy identification.
  • Customize backup frequency (min 30 minutes and max 1 week)
  • Schedule your backup.
  • Backup retention up to 1 month.
  • Restore on the same domain name or different domain name.
  • Restore to RunCloud Test Domain

If you were using our previous backup system then it will still run according to the schedule. However, you can’t create any new backup instance on Legacy Backup System. We will sunset our Legacy Backup System on Q1 of 2021.

Introducing Backup Pro

Our new backup system is launched with a freemium model. Free Plan will come with Basic Features and for more flexibility and personalization Pro Plan is crafted.

  • All the paid accounts are default enabled with Backup Basic for Free. 
  • You can also subscribe to Backup Pro for only $1/mo. per application. 

Both Backup Basic and Backup Pro have their own respective storage.The sites that run on Backup Pro will not consume Backup Basic storage and vice versa.

Introducing the New Payment Partner

We have taken the leap to a new payment subscription system with Stripe. We regret to inform you that we are no longer supporting PayPal as part of our payment method. 

Here are the important notes that you need to know:

  • All free and new users will be automatically switched to Stripe.
  • The Braintree platform will be active for existing paid users until the billing cycle ends. 
  • All of your previous Backup Credits will be transferred as Stripe Credits. You can use Stripe Credits to subscribe to any of our plans and add-ons.
  • You can now personalize your subscriptions. This gives you flexibility to subscribe to any of our products, add-ons and future offerings.

BONUS: Backup Pro for 30 Days

As a token of appreciation, we would like to give 30 Days free access to the Backup Pro.

  • This offer is applicable to all of our users.
  • Existing paid users just need to switch their payment method from Braintree to Stripe in order to enjoy this offer.
  • This offer is only valid until 31 December 2020.


If you are switching from Braintree to Stripe now:

  • Your plan will be prorated and run on a new billing cycle. 
  • You may have to pay the difference amount to reset the billing cycle and activate the new incremental backup.

Scheduled RunCloud Maintenance, 5 December 2020

We would like to inform you that on Saturday, 5 December 2020, there will be scheduled maintenance for the RunCloud dashboard.

We are performing this maintenance to release our new incremental backup feature. This upgrade will simplify our backup feature and offer you with the dynamic incremental backup system for free. It is a freemium model but we believe that free will work in most cases.

We are also taking a leap to a new billing system. This step is important to offer you add-ons along with our core product.

We regret that our dashboard will be inaccessible during this maintenance window.

Start: Saturday, 5th December 2020 03:00 AM UTC
End: Saturday, 5th December 2020 11:00 AM UTC
Convert to your local timezone

Hence, the best way to connect with us during those hours will be direct email at support@runcloud.io as the support system may not be accessible too.

Be rest assured that all of your servers and web applications will run normally and not affected by this maintenance.

We appreciate your understanding and we apologize in advance for any inconvenience that may cause during this maintenance window.

Changelog - October 13, 2020


RunCloud Hub v1.1.0

  • Add support for NGINX SR Cache.

WP Canvas

  • You can add your custom themes and plugins by adding a download link. The link URL must be publically accessible and the file should be in a .ZIP format.

SSH Whitelist IP Notification

  • You can whitelist the IP from triggering the SSH Notification. This setting can be found under the Notification menu inside your server


  • PHP 7.4.1
  • PHP 7.3.23
  • PHP 7.2.34
  • Enable support for FTPS

RunCloud Agent 2.3.7

  • Fix URL rewrite on WordPress Staging and Clone Web App features for WordPress based application
  • Refresh RunCloud Hub when the user syncs the staging environment to production and vise versa when using the WordPress Staging feature.

Note: RunCloud Agent should be updated automatically on your server. It will take up to 24 - 48 hours to propagate this update to all RunCloud managed servers. If your server still uses RunCloud Agent v2.3.6 and below, please contact our support.

RunCloud Scheduled Downtime on 19 August 2020

As per our email announcement, we would like to remind you again that we will perform database migration, moving RunCloud Infrastructure to Amazon Web Service (AWS).

Due to this migration, the RunCloud dashboard will go offline for 2 hours on 19 August 2020 at 06:00 AM UTC. This downtime is needed to ensure the safety of your data and no data loss during database migration.

Start: 19 August 2020 06:00 AM UTC
End: 19 August 2020 08:00 AM UTC

Be rest assured that all of your servers and web applications will run normally and not affected by this RunCloud dashboard migration process.

We appreciate your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please do not hesitate to open a support ticket or email to support@runcloud.io if you have any concerns.

Thank you.

Routine Maintenance Reminder 17th July 2020

We would like to remind you again that our cloud provider will be carrying out routine maintenance on 17th July 2020 starting from 7 am - 3 pm (UTC). They assured zero to low downtime but we will keep you posted from time to time. 

If there is any fluctuation or intermittent downtime, be rest assured that all the hosted web applications will load normally and only RunCloud Dashboard will be briefly unavailable during the maintenance window.

Creating and renewing Let's Encrypt SSL will probably be interrupted during this window. We would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused during the maintenance window by our cloud provider.

Changelog - July 16, 2020


RunCloud Hub v1.0.0

This is the official major release for the RunCloud Hub plugin. Here are some improvements:

RunCache Purger

  • Add Debug option to enable HTML footprint in HTML output.
  • Improve RunCloud Hub compatibility with other caches/optimization plugin. If the user clears all cache in RunCloud Hub, it will automatically clear all cache in supporting plugins and vice versa. 
  • Made RunCloud Hub more compatible with other popular caches/optimization plugins. The list of supported plugins are:
    • Autoptimize
    • WP Rocket
    • Fast Velocity Minify
    • WP Fastest Cache
    • Swift Performance
    • WP Super Cache
    • W3 Total Cache
    • Hyper Cache 
    • WP Optimize
  • Remove “Remove Cache Plugin” settings.
  • Remove “Purger Hooks“ settings. Plugin developers can use the “runcloud_purge_nginx_cache_hooks” filter to integrate with RunCloud Hub.
  • Improve speed to clear the cache of all sites.
  • Fix RunCloud Purger issue with HSTS.

RunCache Rules

  • Prevent getting locked from wp-admin if the user tries to clear all cache exclusion settings.

RunCache Preload

  • Improved cache preload and make it more stable and faster.
  • Remove the preload limit (previously 1000). User now can preload unlimited posts/pages.
  • Add cache preload speed option (default 60 posts/pages per minute or 1 per second). Cache preload can increase CPU load, this speed option can help you control it.

Redis Object Cache

  • Improved "object-cache.php" drop-in and make it more stable and faster.
  • Add a new "redis-config.php" file to control Redis parameters outside of object-cache.php drop-in.
  • Run "Clear All Cache" will automatically clear Redis object cache.
  • Improve speed to clear all Redis object cache
  • Fix "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" because of Redis prefix issues.

Client Mode

  • Introducing "RUNCLOUD_HUB_CLIENT_MODE" constant. Adding this constant = true in wp-config.php will remove the Stats and Settings page in RunCloud Hub, make it perfect for your client website.

WordPress Multisite

  • Add several improvements to make RunCloud Hub be WordPress Multisite friendly.
  • RunCloud Hub can be Network Activated. It will automatically active in all network sites.
  • Add Network Site Switching feature, which allows Super Admin to switch quickly to all sites with active RunCloud Hub plugin.
  • You can't enable/disable Redis Object Cache per site if you are using WordPress Multisite Subdirectory. Only Primary sites or network admin can control Redis Object Cache.
  • You can enable/disable Redis Object Cache per site if you are using WordPress Multisite Subdomain. Primary sites or network admin can control Redis Object Cache.
  • Stats, RunCache Rules, Redis advanced options are only available for the primary site or network admin.

WordPress in Subdirectory

  • You can install the RunCloud Hub plugin in the subdirectory WordPress installation. However, for Stats, RunCache Rules, and Settings pages, it is hidden automatically. You should control it from WordPress installation in the primary site.

Other improvements

  • Fixed RunCloud Hub CSS issue when using Bedrock in the development environment.
  • Internationalization ready. We are ready to accept language translation for the RunCloud Hub plugin.
  • Sanitization audit to improve plugin security.
  • Minor bug fixing and slight improvements to make RunCloud Hub more stable and faster.

Routine Maintenance on 17th July 2020

We have been notified by our cloud provider that they will be carrying out routine maintenance on 17th July 2020 starting from 7 am - 3 pm (UTC). They assured zero to low downtime but we will keep you posted from time to time. 

If there is any fluctuation or intermittent downtime, be rest assured that all the hosted web applications will load normally and only RunCloud Dashboard will be briefly unavailable during the maintenance window.

Creating and renewing Let's Encrypt SSL will probably be interrupted during this window. We would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused during the maintenance window by our cloud provider.

Changelog - July 3, 2020


PHP 7.4.7
PHP 7.3.19


  • All supported server provisioning providers (except Amazon Lightsail) now support Ubuntu 20.04 installation.
  • Fix Ubuntu 20.04 installation on Hetzner server
  • Fix 6G and 7G firewall for blocking /wp-admin

Changelog - June 22, 2020

What's New:

ModSecurity Web Application Firewall (WAF)

  • RunCloud support ModSecurity with OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS) for Web Application Firewall (WAF). 
  • You can easily enable/disable ModSecurity WAF to each web application in your RunCloud servers and adjust Paranoia Level and Anomaly Threshold parameters.
  • This feature is available to all paid plans for a limited time, and only available for Business Plan after.
  • Business Plan subscribers also can create and modify your own OWASP Firewall Rule.

Web Application Custom NGINX Configuration

  • You can customize each web application NGINX configuration.
  • You can redirect non-www to www and vice versa as a drop-in for custom NGINX configuration.
  • You also can choose redirection when creating web/WordPress applications.
  • 6G and 7G firewalls by Perishable Press are supported as a drop-in for custom NGINX configuration.
  • This feature is available for all paid plans.

Server Provisioning Enhancements

  • NEW: You can build a new UpCloud and Amazon Lightsail server directly from RunCloud Dashboard.
  • For Vultr users, you can choose Cloud Compute, High-Frequency Compute or Dedicated Cloud plans when building a new server from RunCloud Dashboard.
  • For Linode users, you can choose Nanode, Standard, High Memory, Dedicate or GPU plans when building a new server from RunCloud Dashboard.
  • For DigitalOcean users, you can choose Standard, General Purpose, CPU-Optimized, or Memory Optimized plans when building a new server from RunCloud Dashboard.

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)

  • Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) is now available through IP Address installation.
  • Direct installation for each supported Server Provider will be available soon.

Cloudflare DNS Management

  • We now support integration with Cloudflare. You can manage and add a new domain to your Cloudflare account directly from our new "DNS Manager" menu.
  • This feature is available to all paid plans.
  • You can also add a domain to your Cloudflare account directly when creating a web application in RunCloud. We take care of adding the A record for you automatically. This specific feature is only available for Business plan.

Other New Improvements

  • One-Click PHPMyAdmin installation
    • You can install PHPMyAdmin directly on your server.
  • Web Application PROXY Protocol
    • You can run a web application in PROXY Protocol if you are behind a load balancer that uses the protocol. 
    • Do note that enabling PROXY Protocol may affect all web applications inside the server because it applies to all server blocks that listen on the same port, whether they were specified or not.
  • WordPress Bedrock
    • Adding WordPress Bedrock based application support to RunCloud Hub.
  • RunCloud Agent updated to v2.3.4
    • It will take up to 24 hours to propagate the RunCloud Agent update to all RunCloud managed servers.

Note: RunCloud Agent should be updated automatically on your server. But if your server still uses RunCloud Agent v2.3.3 and below, please contact our support.

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