RunCloud Monitoring: Introducing Server Storage Monitoring & Web Application Monitoring

We’re excited to announce that Storage Monitoring has landed!

Today’s release includes a series of updates we know many of you have been waiting for. With RunCloud Monitoring, it’s never been easier to monitor the storage breakdown of your servers – based on web apps, databases, log files, and more. 

Learn more about Storage Monitoring on RunCloud here.

And that’s not all! RunCloud Monitoring now also offers web application monitoring, including Slow Script Monitoring, IP Address Hit Monitoring, and Top Path Monitoring: 

Required Agent version v2.8.7+11.
If you have absolutely any questions or feedback for us, please reach out to

RunCloud Monitoring Is Now In Beta

We're excited to announce that RunCloud Monitoring is now in beta. 

Today's release includes some incredibly exciting new observability and health monitoring functionality. This new suite of monitoring tools replaces the old Server Health tab and is designed to give teams on RunCloud the ability to quickly identify & resolve web application performance issues. 

Additional resources and documentation on using RunCloud Monitoring and the new Top Process and Slow Query reports will be available soon. 

If you have absolutely any questions or feedback for us, please reach out to

We Now Accept PayPal and Google Pay for Subscriptions (February 13, 2024)

You can now pay for your RunCloud subscription using credit/debit cards, PayPal, and Google Pay

This has been made possible by partnering with Paddle (the complete payments, tax, and subscription solution for SaaS) to both process payments as well as act as our Merchant of Record – allowing us to deliver the best subscription and payment experience for our users across the world.

Note: This change currently does not affect existing subscriptions.

Changelog - 11 January 2024

PHP 8.3 Release

RunCloud now supports PHP 8.3 in our panel.

It is currently available for all NGINX and Containerized servers on the following operating systems:

  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

For OpenLiteSpeed, it is currently not available. We will support it once PHP 8.3 becomes available on OpenLiteSpeed.

To use PHP 8.3, you will need RunCloud Agent 2.8.0+2, which will be available on your server within 72 hours.

WPCLI 2.9.0 Release

For WordPress users, WPCLI has been updated to version 2.9.0, which includes compatibility with PHP 8.3.

Please make sure to use the latest version of WordPress, v6.4, as it has added "beta support" for PHP 8.3.

PHP Updates (NGINX)

  • PHP 8.3.1
  • PHP 8.2.14
  • PHP 8.1.27

Note: If your server runs on OpenLiteSpeed, RunCloud does not handle PHP version updates. However, once a PHP version update becomes available for OpenLiteSpeed, it should also be automatically available on your server(s).

RunCloud Agent 2.8.0+2

  • New: PHP 8.3 support
  • New: WPCLI 2.9.0 support
  • Fixed: 1-Click WordPress issue when using WPCLI 2.9.0
  • Fixed: File Manager unzip feature produces incorrect filenames

The updates will be automatically applied to your server(s) running on NGINX within 72 hours and Containerized server(s) within 3 hours. If you don't receive the update in the expected timeframe, please contact our support team.

Cloudflare Dashboard and Cloudflare API Service Issues

Cloudflare is currently experiencing issues with its dashboard and API (view status page).

We've deployed a hotfix to prevent our panel from throwing 500 errors due to the downtime with Cloudflare's API. However, the domains and DNS integration via Cloudflare will appear empty in your RunCloud dashboard as they rely on receiving responses from the Cloudflare API, which is currently unavailable.

Cloudflare is well aware of the issue and is working on getting to the bottom of it as soon as possible. They have a good reputation for handling infrastructure-related issues diligently, including proper post-mortems. 

On behalf of Cloudflare, thank you for your patience & we understand dealing with downtime is never easy. If any websites you host for others are affected, this would be a good time to send over an email to let them know if their sites are down proactively.

Important Security Announcement – No Exposure to HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Attack

We want to assure you that your data security is our top priority. An important security concern has emerged regarding CVE-2023-44487, also known as the HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Attack.

However, we are pleased to inform you that our infrastructure is not affected by this vulnerability.

If you have any questions or concerns, our customer support team is available to assist you. Reach out to us for any inquiries you may have.

Changelog - 11 October 2023


  • New: Backup Activity Logs now available for all users

Effective from October 11th, 2023, the Backup Activity Logs feature will start recording all backup activities within your RunCloud account.

This valuable information can be accessed in two convenient locations:

  1. Activity Logs under each individual backup instance provide a detailed history of backup activities specific to that instance.
  2. Activity Logs on the main Backup page give you a comprehensive overview of important events occurring at the account level. This includes events such as the creation or deletion of backup instances.

Changelog - 4 October 2023


  • New: You can enable/disable a cronjob in your server easily
  • New: You can click "Run Now" to trigger the cron job manually 

Note: This cronjob improvement requires RunCloud Agent v2.7.2 or higher.

SSH Login

  • Fixed: Passwordless login setting does not work for Vultr server in some cases
  • Fixed: Prevent root login does not work for Vultr server in some cases


  • Fixed: Team invitation does not work and shows an empty step in some cases

RunCloud Hub

  • Fixed: RunCloud Hub update config fails in some cases because of timeout issue

Changelog - 11 September 2023

PHP Version Releases

  • PHP 8.2.10
  • PHP 8.1.23
  • PHP 8.0.30

PHP Extension Updates (PHP 8.x)

  • swoole 5.0.3 (4.8.13 for Xenial)
  • memcache 8.2
  • mongodb 1.16.2
  • msgpack 2.2.0
  • igbinary 3.2.14

Note: If your server runs on OpenLiteSpeed, RunCloud does not handle PHP version updates. However, once a PHP version update becomes available for OpenLiteSpeed, it should also be automatically available on your server(s).

NGINX Version Release

  • NGINX 1.21.4 iteration 18, includes 7G Firewall v1.6.1 to fix some false positive actions

The updates will be automatically applied to your server(s) running on NGINX within 72 hours and Containerized server(s) within 3 hours. If you don’t receive the update in the expected timeframe, please contact our support team.

Changelog - 5 July 2023

Containerized Core is officially out of beta and in early access.

What this means: It’s safe to use in production (while there may still be rare edge-case scenarios as it rolls out across the board)

Here’s why it matters: We currently believe that containerization will play a big role in the future of RunCloud. Using Docker, we’re able to isolate application dependencies such as Redis, MariaDB, NGINX, PHP (and so on) from the operating system level. Under the hood this is a big improvement that stands to allow us to continue leveling up what RunCloud makes possible for everyone.

Learn more about our Containerized Core update here.

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