[Done] Unscheduled Maintenance for Backup Service

Update: Sep 24, 2021 02:46 UTC (38 minutes) Backup service unscheduled maintenance has been finished.

RunCloud is aware of performance issue in Backup service in the last few hours. 

Currently, we run unscheduled maintenance on Backup service to investigate and fix this issue.

If you use our Backup feature, your backup jobs will be resumed once the unscheduled maintenance has been finished.

The maintenance was performed on Backup feature only, RunCloud panel was not affected during this maintenance window.

Changelog - 14 September 2021: New Dashboard Beta 2

Thank you very much to all RunCloud users who actively report bugs in the new dashboard (beta). Our team has fixed all issues that have been reported from the last 2 weeks.

New Dashboard Beta 2

  • fixed: some responsive issues on iPad/tablet screen size
  • fixed: ssh config should be enabled also for Basic & Pro users
  • fixed: could not create WordPress staging
  • fixed: assign database user to a database issue
  • fixed: edit cronjob issue where Run In value is not selected automatically
  • fixed: remove clone webapp alert, clone webapp is available for all paid users
  • fixed: subscription page issue
  • fixed: linked database issue on web app settings
  • improved: .env file editor for laravel webapp type
  • improved: code block color contrast in support ticket description
  • improved: stability on password generator when creating webapp

You can switch from classic dashboard (manage.runcloud.io) to new dashboard (new.runcloud.io), and vice versa, anytime from the top-right profile dropdown menu. You can switch back to RunCloud classic dashboard at any time and it will still be available during this beta.

During the beta version of RunCloud's new dashboard, you can leave direct feedback by using the Report Bug menu on the top right (flag icon).

Please kindly understand that the Report Bug menu is not for asking technical support. Please contact us through the Support Ticket page for technical support queries.

Changelog - 31 August 2021: New Dashboard (Beta)

New dashboard is now available in beta for all RunCloud users. Some highlighted features of the new dashboard (beta):

  • New interface with fresh look and fully responsive. Our new dashboard is fully accessible from any device, including your mobile device.
  • Global Search (beta). You can quickly search anything in your RunCloud account (servers, web applications, database, etc). We will keep improving our global search during this beta.
  • Server Tags. You add tag(s) to your servers from Servers menu. It is very useful to organize your servers when you have many servers.
  • Web Applications top level menu. You can see the list of all web applications from any servers. It is very useful when your business is growing and you have many servers & webapps.
  • Laravel web app type. For Laravel users, you can edit web app settings and change web app type from Custom to Laravel to unlock some Laravel features.
    • Laravel Octane. Yes, you can run your web app with Laravel Octane in RunCloud with Nginx server easily.
    • Artisan. You can run some common artisan commands directly from RunCloud dashboard
    • Shortcut to edit .env file and deployment script
  • And many improvements, for example:
    • Recently viewed servers & web apps feature.
    • Improved Billing/Subscription flow.
    • Improved Team flow when creating team and invite team member with email notification
    • Improved Web App creation and Git deployment flow
    • Improved activity logs, sorted by date

You can switch from classic dashboard (manage.runcloud.io) to new dashboard (new.runcloud.io), and vice versa, anytime from the top-right profile dropdown menu. You can switch back to RunCloud classic dashboard at anytime and it will still be available during this beta.

During beta version of RunCloud new dashboard, you can leave direct feedback by using Report Bug menu on the top right (flag icon).

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Added: File manager zip/unzip feature
  • Updated: RunCloud Agent version 2.4.8 iteration 7
  • Updated: WAF Modsec CRS version 3.3.2
  • Updated: NodeJS version 14 LTS for new server
  • Fixed: team member can not manage domain and ssl on shared team server
  • Fixed: invoice/receipt print issue

[Fixed] Temporary Test Domain Creation Issue

Some users reported to our support that they can not add new test domains to their web applications. Our team is aware of this issue and we are working to fix it.

Please note that existing test domains are not affected. And this issue doesn't affect everyone, only small subsets of our users.

[Fixed] Cloudflare API Issue

Currently, there is an ongoing issue on Cloudflare API, started from Jun 16, 12:06 UTC. You can check the latest status of Cloudflare API here:


Some RunCloud features are probably affected by this issue from Cloudflare side:

  • Deploy Letsencrypt SSL with dns-01 authorization using Cloudflare API
  • Cloudflare DNS Integration when create webApp or add new domain
  • DNS Manager

[Fixed] UpCloud Server Provisioning Issue

UPDATE: Thanks to UpCloud team for releasing new Ubuntu 20.04 LTS image to fix this issue. You can build new server again with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using UpCloud & RunCloud, for either Nginx or OpenLiteSpeed stack.

We are currently experiencing a technical issue on UpCloud server provisioning, especially when building the server; installation stucks at 98% for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS for both OLS & Nginx stack.

Our team is still working to fix this issue. If you had to use UpCloud as the server provider, consider choosing Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, which is not affected by this issue.

Our early findings found that the issue was caused by a broken package in the mentioned server image. We have contacted UpCloud to work together towards a resolution. 

Your patience is highly appreciated in the meanwhile.

Changelog - 28 April 2021: OpenLiteSpeed

We are excited to bring the official release of OpenLiteSpeed in RunCloud.

All major features those are supported on Nginx server are fully available also on OpenLiteSpeed server now.

Clone Web Application

This feature now supports both Nginx and OpenLiteSpeed servers. Follow our guide for more details.

You can clone your web application easily,

  • from Nginx to Nginx
  • from Nginx to OpenLiteSpeed
  • from OpenLiteSpeed to Nginx
  • from OpenLiteSpeed to OpenLiteSpeed

Note: if you clone a WordPress site from Native Nginx stack to OpenLiteSpeed, and experience 404 page because of missing .htaccess file, you can simply login to WordPress dashboard, go to Settings - Permalinks page, and click Save Changes button.

WordPress Staging

This feature now supports both Nginx and OpenLiteSpeed servers. Follow our guide for more details.

You can easily create an exact copy of your entire website (web application) for staging and development purpose in seconds. 

Atomic Deployment (Zero Downtime Deployment)

This feature now supports both Nginx and OpenLiteSpeed servers. Follow our guide for more details.

OpenLiteSpeed .htaccess Changes Detection:

Normally once you edit/update .htaccess file in your OpenLiteSpeed web application, you will need to restart OpenLiteSpeed service to take effect for those changes.

When you use OpenLiteSpeed using RunCloud, all .htaccess changes/updates will be detected and OpenLiteSpeed service will be reloaded without downtime automatically.

Deploying & managing OpenLiteSpeed (OLS)servers has never been easier than it is with RunCloud. Follow our guide on how to install WordPress on OpenLiteSpeed.

[Fixed] DigitalOcean Server Provisioning Issue

[Update] This issue has been fixed, you can build new DigitalOcean server again from RunCloud panel using API or connecting via IP address & root password.

We are currently experiencing technical issue on DigitalOcean server provisioning, especially when building server via API and connecting via IP address and root password.

Our team is still working to fix this issue. If you want to build server using DigitalOcean, you can still use our manual server installation method, using installation script.

Backup Maintenance - February 17, 2021 04.30 UTC

Update: February 17, 2021 06.35 UTC (~2 hours), maintenance has been completed. Backup page is accessible again.

We are performing ~ 2 hours maintenance on our backup system to improve backup stability for all backup users. 

Only backup page that is not accessible during this backup maintenance window. Other RunCloud features will still run normally.

Sorry for the inconvenience. If you have any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to open a support ticket or email support@runcloud.io with any inquiries and our 24/7 support will be happy to help.

Changelog - 27 January 2021: Sudo Security Update

In RunCloud, your server security is our top priority.

We have released a security update to patch all servers from CVE-2021-3156 (Heap-Based Buffer Overflow in Sudo) vulnerability that allows privilege escalation to root via "sudoedit -s" and a command-line argument that ends with a single backslash character.

Sudo linux package in your servers has been patched to the latest version in Wednesday, 27 January 2021.

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) : sudo v1.8.31-1ubuntu1.2
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver): sudo v1.8.21p2-3ubuntu1.4
  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus): sudo v1.8.16-0ubuntu1.10
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